United Thread 2015/16

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He has a point, we are 6 GAMES IN! very very early no pointlooking at the table until ten games at the very earliest or after the fixtures on New years day in my eyes.

We were very unlucky V West Ham on saturday & Utd were lucky V Saints on Sunday & yes Utd do seem to have more luck recently- their keeper keeps them in games & to be fair the few chances they create or get by an opposistion mistake they take, City should have took the clear chances we had namely Yaya & the open net for Aguero.

On another day we would have won 4 or 5-2, i was dissapointed with the sloppy defending for the 2nd goal though, reminded me of some of the crap goals we let in last season purely by not clearing our lines, anyway i digress :).

Every team loses BUT it is the manner of defeat that you take away & City were very unlucky it was not our day, thats football.

City dominate most games despite the result, Utd do not, Saints were the better team for large parts as are most teams they play, sooner or later this will tell.

Like the old addage goes "class is permanent, form is temporary" over a whole 38 game season all the teams deserve to finish where they finish, Utd or anyone else may be lucky for a few games BUT sooner or later it will run out.

Remember after the Derby debacle?! - they were 5 pts clear with 6 games to go & 6 games later we finished 9 pts clear of them, their luck ran out after the derby & they finished where they deserved to- 4th & come May i am confident they will again be 4th again, 3rd at best, Chelsea have too much class in their squad not to put a run together & i would fancy Arsenal to be above them again too.

City & Chelsea though are the 2 best teams in my opinion & after 38 games this will tell.

Let the deluded clowns get giddy the more they build their hopes up the funnier it is when their hopes & dreams are flushed away & reality dawns on them.

The cold stab of realisation is a beautiful thing :)
Lets see where both clubs are at the end of october
Them - Arselona , Everton and Palace away
Us - Newcastle , Norwich and BMouth at home
oh as well as the derby in between
Can somebody find and post that pic of raggy fans with the poster saying their players play for the club not the money or similar - that could be ironic or I could be Alanis Morissette

This one?

Is the woman in the pic from some sort of supporter club?
I watched their game v the dippers and the cameras were on her a good few times.
When GPC first took over the rags in 1986 the first thing he told the press pack was that his aim was to "knock Liverpool off their fucking perch". As Liverpool were the dominant side at that time and had won a record number of titles that was fair enough as an aim or ambition. If, say, Arsenal were the dominant team at that time he'd have said he wanted to knock Arsenal off their fucking perch. He 's the one who created the intense rivalry which was stoked up over the following years when the rags did indeed knock Liverpool off their perch and he compounded it by claiming in a TV interview, with the sole aim of belittling up and coming City, that the rags' derby was against Liverpool. The media took this on board and created a rivalry that had no historical context whatsoever as did rags who weren't around in or had a skewed memory of previous decades.

I also asked a long standing rag mate (going back to schooldays) who was a regular matchgoer in the 60s and 70s and he confirmed that there was no more rivalry between the rags and Liverpool as there was between them and Everton, Leeds, Spurs, etc. City, on the other hand he said, was an entirely different matter.
Lad at work is listening to the audiobook of bacon faces new book.
Talked about the 6-1 and says how it was a big shock as the rags were the better team for most of the game.
Could not believe it.
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