United Thread 2015/16

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These stories of player mutinies.....ok, pisstakes aside and whatever you think of Van Gaal as a manager....he was giving players advise, trying out different tactics and the players were ignoring him? Depay was showing up to the reserves (where he was sent to work harder and to "ground him") in a Rolls Royce?

Van Gaal is a strange, eccentric man, but their players are not exactly coming out looking like saints in all of this. And if they are finding Van Gaal too much of a PIA then how will they take to effin Mourinho of all people?
is that Hugh Ferris on LVG sacking?


ya, got to earn your monies.
BBC mildly critical of the way the new appointment was carried out, now there's a suprise.

Gary Chuckle waffling on this morning that Jose would need Ryan as he knows the "United Way", is that the route to the stadium or shagging everything that moves.

How the press don't give it them with both barrels is an utter disgrace, pandering to their army of followers from anywhere but Manchester.
I was only posting a few days ago that I couldn't see the Glazers wanting someone like Mourinho for all sorts of reasons. I can only surmise that they've decided it's shit or bust.

Being out of the top four is hurting them financially and I'm not convinced they're awash with ready cash. They certainly won't be when Mourinho and Mendes get going.

So is the appointment as much about the share price,or the panic because of the Pep factor?.
I can't find that BBC story of Sir Ticket Tout saying Mourinho isn't a Manchester United manager. They wouldn't remove it would they? Anyone got it?

"One of the most uncomfortable entries on an ever-lengthening charge sheet was Mourinho's gouging of the eye of Tito Vilanova, then Barcelona's assistant coach, in the 2011 Spanish Super Cup. "A United manager wouldn't do that," Charlton says. "Mourinho is a really good coach but that's as far as I would go really...

When it is put to him that it is difficult to imagine a United manager being allowed to get away with some of Mourinho's behaviour, Charlton says: "You are right. He pontificates too much for my liking."
Looking forward to when we are singing to the Rags that they 'should have listened to the Ticket Tout'!
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