United thread 2015/16

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Sky......Ranieri is on about other managers also,but Sky only want to mention Mourinho.....first line.

Leicester boss Claudio Ranieri is anticipating a tough challenge to retain his title now Jose Mourinho is taking over Manchester United...

"Next season it will be aother fantastic one because Jose Mourinho, Pep Guardiola and Antonio Conte have arrived. It will be very tough. We can fight but we are underdog. The fairytale happened once and we want to defend the title, but it will be hard. But we are not scared."

Arse licking cnuts !
Bbc football website got a feature on selecting your youshited 11 from all potential signings.
Wtf is that all about?!?
Is Briggs being offered the u21's job? Great news. PEG will drop loads of their first team as they're pretty shit, they'll end up playing in the u21's (as they always do), probably allowing them to win it, making everyone think their youth system is fantastic, when it's quite the opposite. Also, this will make them think Bryan is a great manager, and he'll get the main job when PEG has his melt down.

All of this very possible. And fantastic.
Very well thought out mate,and perfectly plausible too. i like it..
They do for sure,but the good thing is for the immediate future anyway,is that they are playing catch up now,not only us,but also the other 3 that finished above us,and it's gonna take more than that **** to make it succeed
They will need officials to either shit their pants or be coerced/courted by the rag management again. We saw the effect that having Taggart in the tunnel around Twattenburg had on the cup final. That sort of shit is why they prolonged their success even with a shite team. Mourinho wont be able to do that, officials dislike him as much as anyone else does. What the rags needed to achieve all that again was Bryan Riggs, the beloved protege of Taggart who would never be far away from him.
Thats Sly sports for you mate. Biggest rag PR machine going. Im not surprised tbh.
Until the season starts I've stopped watching sky sports news etc, because its just rag PR over drive.
Stopped watching sly sports news a long time ago bud, can't remember the last time I watched it.
Pure propaganda shit and the rags can fuck off

And to any of those lurking red bastards on the other forum... I've told it to your faces off the Internet since I was a kid.

Dirty vermin who are all shithouses and soon pipe down when they are told to their faces what cunts they are.
As soon as Moyes and Louis could not make the top four a meeting was called and they were axed. Will they apply the same principle to Mourinho next year if he fails ? Also if they fail next year then the Adidas 2 year reduction will kick in, so next year is mega for them.

I hope De Gea goes as he is vital for them and would be a major blow. Rooney will get slower and the fans will demand he plays Martial and Rashford which will somewhat limit his rebuilding plans. He still has the Mata situation to resolve and the Caneira situation could get get messy. There is a lot of deadwood to clear out at Utd and Ibrahimovic is no longer the player he once was. I think they may well ditch the Europa and focus on top four. I think we should also focus on top four next year and get that secured as soon as possible.

I think their main problem, if they get Ibrahimovic, is that he and Mourinho both consider themselves the be-all-and-end-all at whatever club they're at... they both consider themselves bigger than the club. That won't sit well with the hierachy at the Rags... or their fans. Add to that the fact that Ibrahimovic will mean the end of Rashford, who will no doubt get loaned out to some ex-rag Manager - Hull most likely. Next season could be a lot of fun... stock up on the popcorn now.
Mourinho is a beast of a manager, no doubt. The vermin should be happy to have him as like attracts like. Both are filth.

Mourinho will win them shit, but Guardiola ain't half steppin'
He'll shit on them...
Mourinho has them over a barrel,IMO.
He'll be sat there like a fucking King with more say than baconface ever had,and I see the head of baconface eventually exploding.
It's not gonna end well.

The deal has already been done.
but utd/bbc wont admit this, because they can,t be seen to have done it behind the prev managers back.
its clearly been done as PEG is clearing out his london abode.ostensibly to move north.
utd are spinning this out for max media exposure ,and to give tghe impression of a deal being thrashed out.
they are actually discussing transfer targets.
done deal,media know it,everyone knows it,but gotta keep the pretence up of doing things the utd/right way.
I've been a bit of a baby these last few days thinking ffs they'll get that dick ed wind up merchant (who eventually got to Pep in Spain - swore about him in a press conference - although the Barca squad gave him a standing ovation later) and i'll lose it if they won the title and how it'll be even worse than ferguson with their fans ramming it down our throats etc etc whinge whinge.

But i've manned up again now, our manager is the dogs bollocks professionally and tactically, and he will have more than enough to spend for a guy who commands his authority.

He'll put Maureen in his place of that I have no doubt.
Put it this way, while the broken one has been putting himself anywhere there's likely to be cameras/people/limelight, lapping up all of the attention, our boss has been quietly planning how to dismantle the fucker.
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