United thread 2017/18

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Sure after the Southampton game when they won 1 0 parking the bus a BBC hack wrote something
Ike" it's alright scoring 4 or 5 goals every game but it's the 0 1's at difficult away grounds that win you Leagues. Funny but I've looked all over and can't see it repeated today
Fellaini - Technically 'not a United player', reality, a perfect Jose player. Big and physical, sharp edges and hard as nails. Direct route? He's perfect. United will score loads of goals from set pieces with their height. They will not take us on, toe to toe, they parked the bus against Southampton and were hanging on for dear life.
This 'three trophies' nonsense is infuriating....

a. the community shield is not a trophy. It's always been seen a glorified friendly, not too long ago teams used to share the bloody shield when it ended a draw, and no one gives a shit if you lose. Arsene Wenger by their logic is the most successful manager currently as he has won 3 shields in the last four years to go with 3 FA Cups yet he's mocked endlessly.......

b. the league cup - it's the least important trophy but nice to win. You put your fringe players out and if you get to the S/F then you put the big guns out. We won it in 2016 but hey....our season was seen as underachievement and fairly so. The league cup didn't mask a poor league campaign. They herald beating Hull over two legs by one goal and getting the officials help in the final as a major achievement.

c. the europa league - a competition we weren't shit enough to be in.

Exactly this. They go on and on about three trophies and they're literally the three you should care least about. Also thought it was hilarious how when they posed for the pictures after the Europa League win Maureen held up 3 fingers and told all the players to do so. Should have held up three more for his league position!
Immediately after yesterday's game, A&E tweeted "Top of the Premier League".

That was correct for about 150 minutes.

Or 128 minutes if you count up to the time of KdB's goal.

What a dickhead!
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