If you actually look at the deals Woodward has done it is not that great at all really. A million here, a million there. The big stuff comes in regardless who is the CEO, TV, main kit sponsors etc. I have also read a few articles now that totally backs up what many of us think, that he is basically Sauron when it comes to sharing power, he isn't keen.
Remember Woodward saying it is like Disney for adults?. Think about that, he had just been given the keys to a kingdom where the money makes it's self largely. A nice office near his investment pals in London. He can pick and choose what he does really "hmm that looks an interesting scheme, i'll chuck 100k into that and see how it goes". So all of that freedom having essentially his own City mile investment play thing and a mind accustomed to the buzz of the deal. He actually is in his own personal disney land, i think at that moment when he said it he was giddy as fook in his own mind about what had just fallen in his lap. For the fans though it has turned into a house of horrors.
All the chatter pretty much directly points to him hating the idea of someone sticking their finger in his pie regarding a DoF. He does not want one which suits everyone else fine apart from Utd fans and anyone who cares for the health of that club.