United Thread - 2022/23

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The cost of redeveloping Old Toilet was probably the final nail in the coffin. £500mill debt. Huge team investment needed. Redeveloping the Cliff and it’s canteen. No Super League. Their Yank mates FSG selling up at Hacking FC.
I think he has 100% been sacked, and from my experience working alongside an HR department, the rags had just cause to terminate his contract with immediate effect. They took a few days, consulted their legal teams and then allowed for a compromised statement to help expedite his leaving. But, he was definitely sacked.
100%, definitely, are you Mr Glazier, or just a chancer.
I think he has 100% been sacked, and from my experience working alongside an HR department, the rags had just cause to terminate his contract with immediate effect. They took a few days, consulted their legal teams and then allowed for a compromised statement to help expedite his leaving. But, he was definitely sacked.

But that’s what he wanted. He can now go to a team with no fee meaning a club can afford his wages (though they’ll be high). It’s a media spin because rags are the losers not Ronaldo
Not sure they are the investment oppurtunity they think they are.
Ground needs millions spending on it.
Team needs more millions spending on it.
Sponsors all seem to have CL clauses for the full amount.
Lack of tv revenue and prize money from not being in the CL.
They no longer attract the top players.I feel they will be bought by another type of Glazer buyout.
Cant see any other way as the Arabs seem to like potential rather than a cash cow which is what they are.Them and the dippers are not getting the money they think they are worth. A few people have looked at buying the scum but have all walked away.
I think he has 100% been sacked, and from my experience working alongside an HR department, the rags had just cause to terminate his contract with immediate effect. They took a few days, consulted their legal teams and then allowed for a compromised statement to help expedite his leaving. But, he was definitely sacked.
And I 100% agree. There simply has to be a non-disparagement clause in any big-money contract between and employee and employer -- it would be nuts not to have one, especially with the guy who's got more Twitter followers than any athlete on earth. What earthly reason would there be for NOT having one?
The yanks and dips are selling because the closed shop Super League isn't happening. That seems to rule out Yank investment in either.
China has put the brakes on Chinese investors, no Russians. The middle east ? I somehow doubt it. Looking at us and Newcastle, they buy the clubs with potential to grow. I think the dips will struggle to sell at the price they eant. The rags supposedly have the Ineos fellah. He would use borrowed money but it really is a bad time to go into debt.
Personally I think the rags won't be sold, it's a ploy to keep them in the news.
They are ten years behind us and will never catch up.

Every time they make a stride, we just tweak our team to retain the gap.

Our infrastructure is unrivalled.

I hope this is the case but they're in a stronger position than we were in 2008 and look at our success since.

Bizarely their fans seem to think Ronaldo s interview has forced the Glazer's to sell and are hailing him a hero.
I’ve said a million times Utd was destined for a death spiral until the Glazers finally decided to sell. Now that day appears to be at hand. I’ve seen this kind of press release a few hundred times. The other “alternatives” they’re “exploring” are non-existent. They are selling.

They’ve looted the coffers, left them second tier competitively with a crumbling stadium, no youth program, a declining brand and an overlevered balance sheet. And yet I’m guessing someone will pay far above the odds for the “glamo(u)r” of owning this club.

In short, this has been a wildly successful LBO on every level.

I’ve enjoyed their decade of LOL comedy and their spoiled rotten fan base meltdown. And I’m enjoying this last great stage encore of their conquering hero melting into a pool of hair gel before everyone’s eyes.

But the bell is tolling now. They may not get better; they may get worse. But as long as the Glazers owned them, after Ferguson it was a 100% stone cold lock they were gonna get worse.

It was awfully fun while it lasted.
It's not finished yet
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