United Thread - 2022/23

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Has any club ever had more players connected with violence against women than Manchester United?

Greenwood is showing as being part of the squad now on the United website so I get the feeling they plan to bring him back in.

What a vile disgusting club they are!

Opposition fans need to go all out to show their duscust at this decision.

If the media whores weren't so deep into the rag arse, they wouldn't be afforded the protection that is given to them.

Plenty of skeletons in their cupboard which are blocked from exposure I suspect.
What a stupid idiot that girl is.
If you have a dad like hers ....
Sadly a lot of victims of domestic abuse stay or return to their partners. Often its financial, how do you survive on your own with 3 kids and no home ? Whilst I accept this was a different scenario the abuse and violence is the same. As I said earlier I really hope an MP demands to know the full reason. What message does this send to victims.
They must be working overtime trying to think of how to sell his reinclusion to the public.
Everyone deserves a second chance.

Yeah right.
It’s obvious the rag twats will play him again. And because it’s them the media will write some bollocks claiming he’s innocent.

Or maybe the odious rapist prick will have a particularly nasty accident.
What’s more likely is they’ll try to paint themselves as an institution that models rehabilitation etc.
Thinking about it. The CPS are acting disgracefully here. They decided there was enough evidence to charge Greewood with Coercive and Controlling Behaviour.
That means he decides what she does and says.
Now they drop the charges because she will not co-operate !!!!
I wonder why she refuses to assist in the prosecution case of a violent rapist, I can't work it out.
Someone just told me that they are still together??

Suppose you can't really prosecute someone when their chief witness is still sleeping in the defendants bed every night.

You put 2 teenagers in a 3 million pound mansion, with Lamborghini's and dropping 100k on jewellery and clothes like it's nothing, then expect the outcome to be normal? It just creates privileged monsters.

Many young footballers go to those private basement parties in Dubai, where you leave your phone at the door and all secrets stay buried. Trafficked girls from Eastern Europe are passed around like sweets. Then they come back here to the UK and think they can do the same. Like it's normal behaviour. Because they are rich and famous.

It's a trend that is pretty sickening. The senior pro's need to step in give them a kick in the bollocks.
What a stupid idiot that girl is.
The tapes must be highlighted and circulated as wide as practically possible.

This twat is guilty of his crimes irrespective of what he,she & the court have said.

This travesty which has cost us ,the tax payer, £ hundreds of thousands of pounds £, and wasted unknown police time must not be allowed to fizzle out behind Ashtons manicured campaign !!

Shameful & Shameless
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