United Thread - 2022/23

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All this harassment of de Jong, they are making themselves look even bloody sillier than I thought possible. It is patently obvious that he doesn't want to go to the vermin, so look elsewhere, you arrogant çunts. You seem to think every player in the world will stop what they are doing, down tools and take the next bus to ragland the moment you snap your fingers. Wherever they are in the world, any decent player will uproot his family and jump to attention for you? That's what you all seriously believe? Well, let this sink in, you fucking gargoyles - you are no longer in the position you were with Gill and that revolting pisscan, that bastard offspring of Hitler and Stalin. You can no longer dictate terms to anyone, you do not get to cherry-pick the best players home and abroad, and you can no longer decide which referee you want to oversee your games.
Remember all those little 'minnows' clubs your lot used to sneer and ridicule? They've grown up now, they are adults in the big wide world. They are not the scrawny, pale-faced little bag of bones trying to avoid you and your bullying mates in the playground. They are now great big fuckers who are more than capable of standing up for themselves. They are battle-scarred, seasoned warriors who could grind your insignificant into club into dust.

It's now a level playing field...and you can't hack it.
I love your rants, make me smile every time.
24 year old Rashford, a guy whose memories will stretch back no further than a year or two before our takeover at most, is towing the "there's no history with City" line. Throughout his childhood and early adult life we've been far more dominant than Liverpool and have had more title races involving us and united than they have with Liverpool. Thick as pig shit.
All this harassment of de Jong, they are making themselves look even bloody sillier than I thought possible. It is patently obvious that he doesn't want to go to the vermin, so look elsewhere, you arrogant çunts. You seem to think every player in the world will stop what they are doing, down tools and take the next bus to ragland the moment you snap your fingers. Wherever they are in the world, any decent player will uproot his family and jump to attention for you? That's what you all seriously believe? Well, let this sink in, you fucking gargoyles - you are no longer in the position you were with Gill and that revolting pisscan, that bastard offspring of Hitler and Stalin. You can no longer dictate terms to anyone, you do not get to cherry-pick the best players home and abroad, and you can no longer decide which referee you want to oversee your games.
Remember all those little 'minnows' clubs your lot used to sneer and ridicule? They've grown up now, they are adults in the big wide world. They are not the scrawny, pale-faced little bag of bones trying to avoid you and your bullying mates in the playground. They are now great big fuckers who are more than capable of standing up for themselves. They are battle-scarred, seasoned warriors who could grind your insignificant into club into dust.

It's now a level playing field...and you can't hack it.
Part of De Jong's resistance towards United might be because he doesn't want to eliminate his chances of joining us sometime in the future.
Simon Stone and his ridiculous football thoughts on the bbc came up with this cracker re:Eriksen

"However, United can offer much more. Despite not being what they were under Sir Alex Ferguson, they still have the stadium, the fanbase, the finance and a European platform, albeit the Europa League rather than the Champions League."

I mean, they aren't what they were is the understatement of the century, the stadium is falling apart and the fanbase love the club so much they smashed the shit out of it rioting against the ownership and the finances, which are misspent constantly...but all that pales when a journalist dares to say that a footballer of Erkisens experience chose United so he could play Qarabag on a Thursday night.

God I fucking hate these journalists, that club and when they get together... Fucking spawn of satan.
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