United Thread - 2022/23

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"If you look at everything I’ve achieved in my career, there’s no striker I played against who achieved what I achieved and doesn’t get the accolades I should be getting. Not one."

"If you talk about numbers, which everyone does, they stack up. If we’re talking about achievements, there’s no one achieved more than me."


I particularly enjoyed the part where he said their '99 team doesn't get the credit it deserves!
They are going to be a force to be reckoned with next season, just seen they're going to sign Vinicius ,Mbappe and Neymar, wouldn't be surprised if Bellingham also has his boyhood wish and turns out for them.
So, in Rooney's eyes, the achievement they're aiming for is not to win the FA Cup but to stop US winning it as that would be more important that winning a major trophy.

Fucking hell Wayne, you never left the playground did you?
But I thought we were not their real rivals. The mask is really slipping these days.
So, in Rooney's eyes, the achievement they're aiming for is not to win the FA Cup but to stop US winning it as that would be more important that winning a major trophy.

Fucking hell Wayne, you never left the playground did you?

Wayne just being honest about how tin pot United are now. Their biggest game in 10 years or more is about stopping us.
Let's just have a look here..

The rags have won absolutely nothing of note for a decade, 10 years, over 500 weeks.

They have spent £100's and hundreds of millions to basically stand still.

The weak media in this country have not said a peep about this and they have had numerous opportunities to do so, the cowards..

Their stadium is archaic..

Their owners, even though they have coughed up transfer funds are currently and systematically stripping the life out of them.

The farcical auction which is taking place to buy them is embarrassing.

They are currently looking to shift their £85 million pound centre half out for peanuts, just like the dabber who you now hear eff all about, given away for nothing..

They brought in Weghorst and the guy from Bayern who I can't remember his name because he's a bit shit on short term loans in January because they have no money.

They have had numerous leg ups, none more so when we were completely fcuked over by VAR at the swamp this season to ensure they get the CL money they obviously desperately need.

They have been left behind by us and may never catch up..

Our investment in our team, stadium and infrastructure is beyond their dreams..

The swamp needs completely revamping, I read costs of well over a £1billion, this without updating their training facilities and surrounding stadium areas.

They were good once when they had little competition, could buy their nearest challengers best players and generated the most wealth.

You could say that the above applies to us, apart from the competition bit as the PL now, compared to then, is an extremely hard league to win and boy do they fkin hate it..

Their long standing manager of 25 years won 13 titles, roughly 1 every 2 years.

Our manager has won 5 in 7 years, in a harder, more competitive PL and has obliterated countless records on the way..

In 1999, they had 4 home FA Cup draws and didn't win their CL group.

Won the league with 79 points which has been bettered by the PL winners ever since, a run of 24 years..

Who knows what's going to happen on Saturday..

Whatever the outcome, it cannot be contested that we have caught them up and breezed past them and they need to stop whinging and accept their place in line..

The few rags I know, regularly go through the City bingo card with me which for guys in their 50's is laughable.

They also bang on about the charges we've been accused of but when challenged have absolutely no idea what they relate to..

I've come to the conclusion that we've broken them.

And they've always spent obscene amounts

What other premier league clubs were spending £30m on a central defender over 20 years ago? That's what they did when they bought Ferdinand.

£30m was eye watering amounts for almost any player back then, never mind a centre back. They were dropping similar fees on the likes of Veron too.

The reality is nobody used to be able to compete with them financially. People malign the likes of us and Chelsea and say we bought success. To an extent its true, but we are honest, we're under no illusions that money has given us a huge boost but all we really did was level the playing field for us and the other top clubs like Chelsea and United.

What we really found out was once multiple teams could start spending similar to united, they weren't actually that good.

The big difference is we spend very well for the most part and the rags pissed money up the wall on shit player after shit player for a decade.
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