United Thread - 2023/24

The only reason Mendy spent any time in prison was because he ignored his bail conditions. That part he brought entirely on himself.
I thought Greenwood ignored his bail conditions too, evidenced by the fact that the person he was prevented from seeing became pregnant to him during the time he was not allowed to make contact with her.
TBH I missed the last paragraph regarding paedophilia and for that I apologise. But to be clear, examples of employee misconduct and enabling behaviour at the BBC is on the public record and therefore not subjective opinion.
I don't recognise the allegations in your fist paragraph so I can't offer a qualified response, however if you provide links to examples I would be happy to do so?
Off the top of my head, Gary Lineker's well publicised posts and the fallout last year. BBC shat their pants when they told him to "stand down" stating he was in breach of their guidelines and all Lineker's mates sided with him.
BBC backed down and hid behind yet another "independent review" which as far as I'm aware is still "ongoing"
Old Auntie does like to tell the public it's having an "independent review" yet nothing ever comes of them and nothing ever changes.
Simon Stone using his BBC report to flog Tag watches whilst on (yet another) BBC funded tour with the Rags.
Dan Roan is always spouting off on Social Media but I refuse to look at anything connected with him as I cannot stand the slimey weasel.
My point is that as publically funded individuals, they know full well they shouldn't do this type of thing but do so knowing they'll be no consequences.
If they're funded in other ways that's fine by me, I just won't fund the organisations that employ them but they are not.
I thought Greenwood ignored his bail conditions too, evidenced by the fact that the person he was prevented from seeing became pregnant to him during the time he was not allowed to make contact with her.
I’m sure if that had come out before the case was dropped then he’d have had his bail withdrawn too.

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