United Thread - 2023/24

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gary rats must be dones, with my ideas

1. A new sporting project , basketball

2. A new or redeveloped Old Trafford in new england

3. A New training ground ,indoor court to become good at basketball

4.Full redevelopment of the surrounding land to create a Manchester United World and amazing fan experience ,WTF ,haha man yoo world in florida

5. Pay off the debt and stop taking dividends until the above is done,haha ,no fucking chance, they are creaming off millions a season

Every time Neville utters the words "this is Manchester United" the cretin unwittingly nails the problem on its head. But the "this" in the above phrase is not as Neville believes, a football club, but a brand.

A brand almost entirely divorced from playing good football, winning games and collecting trophies.

The club's primary function these days, and has been for some time, is to make money from the brand, like PSG is trying to do.

The Manchester United brand has now transcended Manchester United football club.



Because the brand is so powerful, recognised the world over, people and corporations want to be associated with it, so the club continues to make loadsa money despite the team's poor performance. Besides, improving that performance in order to win titles, as Utd used to do, comes at a cost, a cost that does not automatically deliver a commensurate boost in revenue. A simple cost benefit analysis tells you that being there or there abouts, every now and then, does the job perfectly well, that's all that's required to keep the gravy train rolling.

In a model like this, shit stadium, shit training facilities, shit football only matter if they damage the brands commercial clout in the short to medium term, but they don't seem to be damaging the brand, revenues are up year on year, and this extraneous shit would be expensive to fix anyway, so fuck it, they're not getting fixed, why should they, when a sticking plaster will do.

Neville unconsciously recognises this shit show when he calls for Manchester United World. Perversely that's something the Glazers might actually take on board, if it can be done on the cheap. If their marketing people tell them it will further leverage the brand and open up a lucrative new income stream, they'll be all for it.
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Non-negotiables? Since when has this weasel-faced simpleton been in a position to lay down the law to the owners? Who gave him the authority to take jurisdiction of the club and start dictating 'negotiables' to the shareholders?

This mouthy prick is under the impression he has some kind of say in what goes on at the club. If I were one of the Glazer family I'd go public and call him out. Tell the jumped-up little shop steward that it has absolutely fuck all to do with him how they run the club. I'd go all Pat Tate on him, "Oi! Nose ointment. Fuck off before I separate your head from your body - you ****"!
Neville watch.

If you see a broken man wondering around OT, crying like a baby, blubbering to himself, go and put your arms around Gary Neville and…..(fill in as appropriate)

It’s worth setting out my non-negotiables on a takeover of Manchester United that I made over a year ago.

1. A new sporting project

2. A new or redeveloped Old Trafford

3. A New training ground

4. Full redevelopment of the surrounding land to create a Manchester United World and amazing fan experience

5. Pay off the debt and stop taking dividends until the above is done

I’m adding a 6th due to events in the last 2-3 years. 6. The club requires leadership that is statesmanlike on major issues that enables a fairer, more inclusive and diverse game. Leadership that builds a positive environment and culture whilst adhering to the clubs values and principles and one that is willing to make tough decisions to prevent an erosion in the clubs public image.

To be fair, they're doing that without opening their mouths
This is true.
By keeping stum they are allowing little Gary to look an even bigger prick than any of us could of imagined.
What is his job title these days as it seems he's just the village idiot of the sports world that humours every football fan with his screeching outbursts
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