Sales of Greenwood, Wan Bissaka and McTominney if it goes through gives them a decent amount of pure profit to spend this window with no worries I'd imagine once they amortize the incoming contracts but they are setting themselves up for a fire sale if no CL in the next 2 seasons. Plucked from Football 365, net spends on transfers last 5 seasons, appreciate wages make up a lot of the cost on the accounts as well but this seasons and next PSR / FFP is their big ones in terms of on the field performance as the transfer losses peak 24/25 and the UCL income is not included 25/26. Wouldn't say they've gone full Leeds here but you never know, tax case still needs addressed and that will not go away without payment of monies owed. Might only be a few million but when its to be paid by and / or structure of payments could be interesting.
2) Manchester United: £-545.56m
24/25: £-83.09m
23/24: £-125.36m (8th)
22/23: £-187.35m (3rd)
21/22: £-94.8m (6th)
20/21: £-54.96m (2nd)
10) Manchester City: £-162.09m
24/25: £77.58m
23/24: £-116.7m (Champions)
22/23: £9.97m (Champions)
21/22: £-38.55m (Champions)
20/21: £-93.5m (Champions)