United vs. City Pre Match Thread

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Dreading tomorrow.

If we lose tomorrow the narrative is already written as the restoration of the proper order. We know it isn't the case. This season FFP has hurt us more than we thought. But it's a speed bump not a cul de sac despite how it'll be spun in the media. Defeat will hurt us a lot and will almost certainly mean the end for Manuel.

A win tomorrow, based on the right formation, tactics and personnel could save Pellegrini. The worry is he'll finish like Tin Cup, playing 4-4-2 till it eventually works but by then it won't matter.
dom said:
chanceathefarpost said:
For me:
Zabs Vinny manga clichy
Milner fernandinho
Silva Yaya nasri

Yaya to play on carrick out of possession to stop him dictating pace. If carrick cannot get his head up we can afford to play high line as they haven't the passing quality in back 4 to expose us. I want to see Yaya tirnjng and driving at rojo / smalling / evans or whoever.
Get silva and nasri moving inside to facilitate full backs bombing on. Whoever they have wide wont cope; dimaria, mata through endeavour, young Valencia through defensive discipline or ability.
Mangala on fellaini at set pieces.
More urgency pace in play; not interested in75% possession in front of two banks of 5. Don't allow them time to reshape - our biggest crime this year in my opinion.
And trust yourselves blues; you're better than United. Work harder than them and your quality will prevail.

Or go 442, have 80% possession and lose.

That's my thoughts...

Post of the evening, and totally agree
Go get 'em, blues


please oh please do not let fookin Manuel set us up 4-4-fookin 2

(By the way.. translation note for any Sky/Talkshite (SEN) journos... our manager has a first name, just like your pet boys ''Arry, 'Brendan' etc...


Great post, exactly how we should approach the game.
We'll go 4-4-2, the rags will be up for the game and close us down all game and our defence will be unable to deal with the long balls to bog brush head. My cheerful prediction for tomorrow.
I think we will show enough fight to not get beat, well not hammered anyway, but I don't think the confidence is there for us to feel we can win from the off.

At the moment if we don't score first we seem to crumble a little so as much as it is a cliche I do think whoever scores first could be key, on our behalf anyway.
dom said:
chanceathefarpost said:
For me:
Zabs Vinny manga clichy
Milner fernandinho
Silva Yaya nasri

Yaya to play on carrick out of possession to stop him dictating pace. If carrick cannot get his head up we can afford to play high line as they haven't the passing quality in back 4 to expose us. I want to see Yaya tirnjng and driving at rojo / smalling / evans or whoever.
Get silva and nasri moving inside to facilitate full backs bombing on. Whoever they have wide wont cope; dimaria, mata through endeavour, young Valencia through defensive discipline or ability.
Mangala on fellaini at set pieces.
More urgency pace in play; not interested in75% possession in front of two banks of 5. Don't allow them time to reshape - our biggest crime this year in my opinion.
And trust yourselves blues; you're better than United. Work harder than them and your quality will prevail.

Or go 442, have 80% possession and lose.

That's my thoughts...

Post of the evening, and totally agree
Go get 'em, blues


please oh please do not let fookin Manuel set us up 4-4-fookin 2

(By the way.. translation note for any Sky/Talkshite (SEN) journos... our manager has a first name, just like your pet boys ''Arry, 'Brendan' etc...

If Nasri wasn't such a smacked arse the line up should be...

Zabba- Kompany - Demi - Cliche
Milner - Fernandhino
Silva - Yaya - Nasri

This allows good defensive cover from the midfield but also allows Yaya to sit on Carrick who still pulls their strings. Yaya's days as a box to box midfielder are also well and truly over but his intelligent passing, close control and attacking threat make him perfect for our number 10 role. In fact I'd go as far to say that is the ONLY role Yaya can play when we are playing against the better opposition.

Sadly, Nasri is a smacked arse who in my opinion should never have the privilege of pulling on a City shirt again in his career. So that leaves our only alternative as :-

Zabba - Kompany - Demi - Cliche
Fernando - Fernandhino
Sliva - Yaya - Milner

Play the above and we will win. Play 4-4-2 and we will lose.
Mike N said:
GeorgeHeslop'sTackle. said:
The Probable absence of Vinnie could prove a massive blow. Lose this one & I can't even see Pellegrini making It through to the end of the season.

Though just how much of this ultimately disappointing term is down to him is open to debate.... Pellegrini has been nothing more than a yes man, who, in my opinion, is undoubtedly paying the price for some massive cock up's made, over the last 18 months or so, by a couple of the club's much more senior personnel.

the 'Yes' man who won the league last year? Ok.
The very same man, who, by stubbornly refusing to change tactics, (Perhaps after being "advised" by others that he shouldn't) & constantly playing, Silva, Nasri and/or Navas, in the same side, is continuously leaving our ageing back four wide open to attack.

We just don't have the nessessary pace, throughout the side, to play the kind of expansive game that he (and the club) would prefer.

It's time our tactics reflected the players we currently have, rather than those we'd wish for.
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