Unreacted Explosives Found in WTC Dust

Mantel said:
sam the drummer said:
It seems abit OTT for me, also can anyone else speak Dutch the subtitles could be completely different to what they are talking about
Yeah, maybe someone who speaks dutch knows someone who speaks danish.

Are you the newsreader in that video or do you actually have something to contribute to this thread?

Anyway... Personally i don't conform to the conspiracy theories, i've seen a few documentaries; Loose Change being one of them, Screw Loose Change being another. For most theories put forward theres a definite rebuttle.
mcfcbird said:
Well I have looked deeper. I've read Dr Steven Jones' paper, I've read a lot of the criticisms of its findings, I've read the rebuttals by Jones and other GENUINE physics professors that concur with his findings, I've read direct discussions between Jones and Professor Ola Nilsen on the matter of why the red/grey chips within the samples cannot possibly be paint, as Nilsen claims, along with discussions concerning the thermal properties and reactions Jones and his colleagues claim to have observed when testing the dust particles, ALL of which, are consistent with a nanothermite reaction, a very expensive, explosive compound, which is classified top-secret and only utilised by military agencies, and is certainly beyond the means of a bunch of rag-tag rebels living in a cave in Afghanistan.

Have you? Because if you have I find it difficult to understand how you can infer that there are no legitimate questions to answer here. Especially when you add this to the wider evidence surrounding the nature of the collapse of WTC 1, 2, and 7; explosions both seen, heard and felt at various levels of 1, and 2 including sub basements; the fact that they all fell at free-fall speed; the fact that molten metal was observed beneath the rubble for weeks after, via thermal photography, the presence of which was also attested to by members of the works crew that worked at the site in the aftermath.

And to suggest that this research be dismissed simply on the grounds that you can find it at Bentham Open Access with no consideration as to who actually published it, a retired Professor of physics known to specialise in catalysed fusion and archaeometry, is absurd frankly! You then go on to infer that because Jones' paper is published here, there's a question mark over the author's authenticity, which given the fact that it's been circulated and discussed in very serious quarters by serious experts with regards to thermal fusion physics, is even more absurd.

Evidence of both detonated and un-detonated nanothermite particles HAVE been found in dust collected from the site within days of the collapse, and yeah Bomber, some of the residents DID go around collecting some of the dust. Exactly why they did that I don't know, but they did, so there we are. And it's good that they did because it's important forensic evidence This is especially important when you consider just how much forensic evidence was spirited away from the crime scene, which in itself is a CRIME btw, by the mayor of New York in the days after the collapse.

Chicago Blue:

I'm sorry that your mate was a pilot on one of the planes that hit the towers that day. I feel very deeply for the all the victims, their families and their friends. it's true there's a massive amount of Bollocks and BS bandied around as 9/11 truth. That the planes were flown deliberately into the Towers is beyond dispute, but there are some very legitimate questions around how and why these buildings collapsed, especially WTC 7, which was never hit by a plane. We're told by a US government enquiry that fire was the cause, despite the fact that is has never happened before in the history of skyscraper construction, along with a body of evidence that seems to suggest otherwise. With respect, to not seek the truth of this via an INDEPENDENT enquiry is in my view disrespectful to everyone affected by it. If I'd lost someone in the tragedy I'd want these questions examined independently and answered to my satisfaction, because until they are, there won't be any closure, and sweeping it all under the carpet for the sake of controversy or misplaced notions of patriotism is unacceptable. Fortunately a great many other people feel the same way.


What you describe is second hand information, a lot of which can, and probably has be manipulated to suit a certain agenda and in a lot of cases is likely to be inaccurate. ChiagoBlue has something you don't have, and thats Primary Information of knowing one of the actual pilots. So how you can claim to have looked deeper is absurd.
mcfcbird said:
Well I have looked deeper. I've read Dr Steven Jones' paper, I've read a lot of the criticisms of its findings, I've read the rebuttals by Jones and other GENUINE physics professors that concur with his findings, I've read direct discussions between Jones and Professor Ola Nilsen on the matter of why the red/grey chips within the samples cannot possibly be paint, as Nilsen claims, along with discussions concerning the thermal properties and reactions Jones and his colleagues claim to have observed when testing the dust particles, ALL of which, are consistent with a nanothermite reaction, a very expensive, explosive compound, which is classified top-secret and only utilised by military agencies, and is certainly beyond the means of a bunch of rag-tag rebels living in a cave in Afghanistan.

Have you? Because if you have I find it difficult to understand how you can infer that there are no legitimate questions to answer here. Especially when you add this to the wider evidence surrounding the nature of the collapse of WTC 1, 2, and 7; explosions both seen, heard and felt at various levels of 1, and 2 including sub basements; the fact that they all fell at free-fall speed; the fact that molten metal was observed beneath the rubble for weeks after, via thermal photography, the presence of which was also attested to by members of the works crew that worked at the site in the aftermath.

And to suggest that this research be dismissed simply on the grounds that you can find it at Bentham Open Access with no consideration as to who actually published it, a retired Professor of physics known to specialise in catalysed fusion and archaeometry, is absurd frankly! You then go on to infer that because Jones' paper is published here, there's a question mark over the author's authenticity, which given the fact that it's been circulated and discussed in very serious quarters by serious experts with regards to thermal fusion physics, is even more absurd.

Evidence of both detonated and un-detonated nanothermite particles HAVE been found in dust collected from the site within days of the collapse, and yeah Bomber, some of the residents DID go around collecting some of the dust. Exactly why they did that I don't know, but they did, so there we are. And it's good that they did because it's important forensic evidence This is especially important when you consider just how much forensic evidence was spirited away from the crime scene, which in itself is a CRIME btw, by the mayor of New York in the days after the collapse.

Chicago Blue:

I'm sorry that your mate was a pilot on one of the planes that hit the towers that day. I feel very deeply for the all the victims, their families and their friends. it's true there's a massive amount of Bollocks and BS bandied around as 9/11 truth. That the planes were flown deliberately into the Towers is beyond dispute, but there are some very legitimate questions around how and why these buildings collapsed, especially WTC 7, which was never hit by a plane. We're told by a US government enquiry that fire was the cause, despite the fact that is has never happened before in the history of skyscraper construction, along with a body of evidence that seems to suggest otherwise. With respect, to not seek the truth of this via an INDEPENDENT enquiry is in my view disrespectful to everyone affected by it. If I'd lost someone in the tragedy I'd want these questions examined independently and answered to my satisfaction, because until they are, there won't be any closure, and sweeping it all under the carpet for the sake of controversy or misplaced notions of patriotism is unacceptable. Fortunately a great many other people feel the same way.

OK, So you have read the papers that concurr with your thoughts but to give a balanced view point did you also read in detail the papers/findings that dont agree with your views?

Or does the conspiracy just seem far more exciting than the dull fact that a bunch of murderous lunatics hatched a very well executed plot to fly two packed airliners into the World Trade Centre thus killing thousands of people and subsequently ruining many more thousands of lives?
No one suggests that Jones et al are liars but they have taken a few facts that suit their case and disregarded many others that don't. Simple as that. The mainstream engineering community has comprehensively rejected his theories and just to correct a couple of things that were said earlier;

1) It wasn't the case that concrete evidence of thermite explosives was actually found but it was the case that Jones suggests that evidence found leads to the possibility that thermite explosives might have been used. If there is blood in my washbasin, it might indicate that someone has been attacked but it most likely indicates that I cut myself shaving.

2) Part of this evidence involved molten metal, which Jones cited as evidence that temperatures higher than those that could have been expected from a jet fuel explosion were involved as these were not high enough to melt steel. But he failed to take into account that it might have been aluminium, which has a far lower melting point. The aircraft skins were aluminium and there was a substantial amount of aluminium oxide in the lining of the buildings.

3) Another Jones piece of evidence for explosives comes from the detection of sulphur based substances. But the most likely explanation is that this came from the gypsum used for fire retardation in the buildings.

Whether the US knew about 9/11 in advance and allowed it to occur in order to have a cast-iron reason to justify its subsequent actions is another question entirely. But at the end of the day, a group of religious nutters flew aircraft into buildings BEFORE the US invaded Afghanistan or Iraq. Why would they need to blow the buildings up as well?
mcfcbird said:
ElanJo said:
I haven't read the paper yet, but if the findings are correct and they go onto be verified by the scientific community then.... well, can you imagine the consequences?

It won't, there's too much at stake. If it was proven true, it'd make the Kennedy Assassination seem like a shop-lifting offence.

So, just to clarify, if the Scientific communtiy verify it then that means there was a conspiracy, if they don't verify it then that means it was too inflammatory and there was too much at stake, so therefore there was a conspiracy.

Hmmm, quite.

I'd suggest, as Prestwich_Blue has stated, the author has found certain details that help to back up the 'story' he wishes to tell, and he's portrayed them in such a way as to make it seem like there's only one possible scenario where these 'details' could have happened.

Conspiracy theorists fall into one of a few categories:-

1 - Those that find it easier to believe a conspiracy than accept the facts that a person/people could act in such an evil manner.

2 - Those who have such a hatred of government/authority that they'll take any opportunity to attack them.

3 - Those with limited intelligence that believe everything and anything put in front of them.

4 - The severely paranoid/dillusional.

I'd ask yourselves which camp you fall into?
GStar said:
What you describe is second hand information, a lot of which can, and probably has be manipulated to suit a certain agenda and in a lot of cases is likely to be inaccurate. ChiagoBlue has something you don't have, and thats Primary Information of knowing one of the actual pilots. So how you can claim to have looked deeper is absurd.

I don't think being an acquaintance of someone who died means ChicagoBlue has any more knowledge of what happened. In fact you could argue his view is clouded by emotional involvement.
Damocles said:
ChicagoBlue said:
As someone who knew one of the pilots killed in the 9/11 attacks, Might I suggest you all let sleeping dogs lie?

If ANYONE thinks there was a conspiracy led by the USA, then I think they are sorely mistaken. I know FOR A FACT that the pilot I knew was a patriot and a military man. I doubt very much he allowed his throat to be slit and his children to be fatherless as part of some conspiracy.

Thankfully, I was not flying that day, but for the FOUR flight crews that were and lost their lives at the actual hands of these murdering thugs, along with thousands of others, I would greatly respect it if you did not "play" with the facts of what happened.

An atrocious murderous plot, designed to kill thousands of people and directed at the world's financial center, was hatched in caves in Afghanistan and carried out by people who were, for all intents and purposes, "normalized members of a multicultural society" living under cover. These men learned enough to subvert US airport security procedures (because before this incident, people thought they needed to BRING a weapon to the aircraft, not USE THE AIRCRAFT as a weapon) and to fly aircraft into buildings. They were successful beyond their wildest dreams, although they could not get the Shanksville plane back to Washington because the passengers took matters into their own hands, so the US Congress Building is still standing.

What happened that day that will forever change world history, as it led (rightly or wrongly) to war in Iraq and Afghanistan and the raising of Al Qaeda to global prominence. The reverberations will, of course, be felt by our children and possibly our children's children. However, to suggest that somehow there is a conspiracy of silence or hidden facts behind this is absurd.

Now, go back to slamming Ronaldo and wishing Tevez was coming and commenting on whether the new Umbro kits are really Puma and trying to find out what is up with MJ?!

I feel sorry for your loss, but a good democracy is based upon people questioning the official government line. I know that this is a sore subject for many Americans, and the theories have been regurgitated to death, but every society must work against it's own government, thus keeping it honest.

A wise observation, Damocles.

Motives aside, the question that seems obvious to me is whether the weapons used - airliners could conceiveably inflict the damage caused - the vertical collapse of three skyscrapers.

Based on the aftermath of other large plame crashes, it is no surprise at all that enormous damage would be caused by such impacts. However, it troubles me why the damage was so contained. Having recently visited Ground Zero, it does seem miraculous that buildings all around the site survived.

I am no physicist, but I have never seen anybody claim that the WTC towers were engineered to collapse into their own foundations in the event of a catastrophic fire. The fact that they did so does seem to strech the bounds of a random damage theory too far.

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