Unsourced Transfer Gossip [Merged]

Re: News from kasakhstan

Well i dont know about the rest of you but i'm taking that with a pinch of salt i'm afraid to say.
Re: News from kasakhstan

not wanting to doubt a fellow blue, but I don't expect any of these players to divulge any info about City to someone they had just met, let alone any sensitive info (Terry joining City) if those were indeed the comments they made, i wouldn't read too much into them
Re: News from kasakhstan

its good enough for me (but then again, i'm easily pleased - you should see my missus), not sure what your wife will think about the titty bar though
Re: News from kasakhstan

Bongo Joe said:
Well i dont know about the rest of you but i'm taking that with a pinch of salt i'm afraid to say.

More than a pinch....

Re: News from kasakhstan

Trigger said:
So let me get this straight Terry is coming yet we are to make Barry captain, yeah right FFS I am losing the will to live!!

he clearly said at the end of the OP

Blue1973 said:
3. GB is captain (unless JT joins)
Re: News from kasakhstan

Quite possibly the biggest pile of shit I've ever read in my life. My computer actually tried forcing a shut down it's that bad.
Re: News from kasakhstan

Blue1973 said:
hello all
now im definatly not an ITK (or a WUM) but what I am is someone who works in TV and is very prominent in international tv rights/negotiation for sports.
Tonight I was a guest of a very prominent EPL provider overseas for the england game in the glorious nation of kazak!
I got to meet a few players tonight and as seeing as how I have had a few hospitality house wines thought i would approcah a few of them for the real story(s) and if there was anyting intersting let you know. The crew I have been with have been specualting a few things, the main one being that John Terry has signed for us but no announcement until ancelotti anounces his replkacement (zapata apparantly)
I didnt believe it so here are the people i met and what was said:

Gareth Barry: Well chuffed that he has joined us so asked him what was said to him to make him agree to signing, also asked him if after he scored tonight that John terry said in his ear "congrats future team mate! (this is the crap rumour going around here). He laughed and said "its going to be an intersting conversation when hughes talks about the armband isnt it", I asked why as Dunne is the captain(sic). Barry laughed again and said ok! I didnt push him on it as Im a guest but reading between the lines it sounds like barry will be cap and dunne is out, and perhaps JT is coming in after GB has been promised captaincy! I also asked him what was said for him to sign, i.e. who did hughes say we were signing. He replied " no one mentioned but he (hughes) didnt need to mention anyone. "playing alongside robhino, micah and kompany is enough for any player to agree to" Dont know about you lot but I quite like that response, especially as it sounds like robbie is staying! He also said that an approach was made in jan! so when was this deal agreed?

John Terry: Asked him if he was joining city....He just laughed! (didnt say no though,)

Peter Crouch: I actually like this guy, hav met him before and know he is a blue at heart. I asked him if he was on his way to manchester. he said no but he had put out feelers to see if they were interested. I told him probably not! (but sorry)

Wayne Bridge: Asked him why he joined city. tbh I expected the age old line "to get first team football" instead I got, " would you turn down nearly 90k per week?" I took an instant dislike to him!

Sweeps: Really wanted to like him, asked him about the future of city, he said he didnt have a clue and would be surprised if he was still there this time next year. Asked him why he thought that after being such a good resigning and lived by all. He said "whatever". Was well disapointed

David Beckham: Got a great picture with him for the wife and kids. Lovely bloke! (For an ex rag) Ask him about who he thinks will come to city. He says "me and th missus would love to come back to manchester, dont know how the other half of manchester would think about that thoygh" I laugh and tell him I wasnt askinh if he was coming to city. He laughs and says "sorry, have been asked this a couple of time in the last couple of days so assumed etc etc " He did say though that he had heard that eto was a done deal so we should be happy with that!

I did also have a quick chat with Mat Upson, but I cant begin to tell you what a waste of time that was!

Upshot is, Im not an ITK and you dont have to believe what I wrote here tonight, but Im just saying what these guys said. Nothing really obvious but what im taking from it is:

1. John Terry is very much linked with us, to the point that if you believe the journos here he has already signed
2. Dunne is leaving (Unfortunaly)
3. GB is captain (unless JT joins)
4. Everyone seems to think eto is a done deal

Im just going to freshen up and am off to a kazak titty club. Will come back with my tiun hat on, and might even get a bit libelous later on (depending on how much I have drunk) with the other stuff I heard tonight

Then you woke up, drank some water, let the cat out and went back to bed.

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