US Politics Thread

Clarence Thomas should be immediately impeached, but you know the republicans will protect him at all costs.

Billionaire Harlan Crow Bought Property From Clarence Thomas. The Justice Didn’t Disclose the Deal.​

(Thomas has apparently also been claiming income from a defunct real estate company for years, but no one is quite sure where that money has been coming from.)
Clarence Thomas should be immediately impeached, but you know the republicans will protect him at all costs.

Billionaire Harlan Crow Bought Property From Clarence Thomas. The Justice Didn’t Disclose the Deal.​

(Thomas has apparently also been claiming income from a defunct real estate company for years, but no one is quite sure where that money has been coming from.)

Kind of morbidly fascinating this. One of those situations where somebody has lifted up a rug and now they're finding 30 years worth of rotting corpses under the floorboards.

I would say surely he can't survive all of this scrutiny but then I remember who was sat in the highest office in the land for four years.
Yeah see — you don’t “know” anything. You have a “view”. So I’ll tell you exactly what you know — nothing.

But you see fit to use the term “perv” anyhow which you know is a loaded label. Well, gee buddy, shouldn’t that immediately disqualify him from office? Or are you okay with “pervs” for some reason?

Your last question is a good one though.
This doesn't sit well with me. I doubt it would you either, regardless of your politics.
This doesn't sit well with me. I doubt it would you either, regardless of your politics.

Kind of morbidly fascinating this. One of those situations where somebody has lifted up a rug and now they're finding 30 years worth of rotting corpses under the floorboards.

I would say surely he can't survive all of this scrutiny but then I remember who was sat in the highest office in the land for four years.

They’ve just discovered he’s been declaring $50-100k a year income from a property company that got dissolved in 2006.

Who knows what else is going to come out of the word work.

Thing is we’ve known this was happening all along - Kavanaugh had $200,000 in credit card debt and a loan taken out against his pension which just disappeared when he became a Supreme Court judge.

They won’t do anything, Republicans wouldn’t impeach a republican judge no matter what they did, but at least getting this all out in the open takes away the façade of decency they still cling to and history will have them marked down as corrupt right wing activists that trod all over the law to push the agenda of their paymasters.
I find it utterly bizarre. I thought Trump was a one-off aberration.

Yes, it’s becoming increasingly clear that Trump was a symptom and not the whole virus. DeSantis and Thomas are demonstrating this and it’s worrying to suggest the US is probably in a state of inexorable decline.

Ever more extreme triablism allows for ever more extreme cases of corruption to go unchallenged. The Republicans know they won’t get punished at the polls as long as this guy is “on their team” trying to push through abortion bans and the dismantling of civil rights.

Lack of integrity in the world’s greatest offices is a big problem in many nation’s conservative politics right now. I have sympathies towards some types of conservative policy and I would normally throw myself into the swing voter camp. I believe in progressive change over time but I believe maintaining stability is also greatly important and so some change needs to be managed pragmatically.

But because the Overton window is so fucked up in US politics I am probably considered a radical leftist at the moment by their accounts. These days any position that can’t be described by a three word slogan is considered to be the chuntering of the lefty global elite.
Yes, it’s becoming increasingly clear that Trump was a symptom and not the whole virus. DeSantis and Thomas are demonstrating this and it’s worrying to suggest the US is probably in a state of inexorable decline.

Ever more extreme triablism allows for ever more extreme cases of corruption to go unchallenged. The Republicans know they won’t get punished at the polls as long as this guy is “on their team” trying to push through abortion bans and the dismantling of civil rights.

Lack of integrity in the world’s greatest offices is a big problem in many nation’s conservative politics right now. I have sympathies towards some types of conservative policy and I would normally throw myself into the swing voter camp. I believe in progressive change over time but I believe maintaining stability is also greatly important and so some change needs to be managed pragmatically.

But because the Overton window is so fucked up in US politics I am probably considered a radical leftist at the moment by their accounts. These days any position that can’t be described by a three word slogan is considered to be the chuntering of the lefty global elite.
The entirety of the GOP platform is now “own the libs”. That’s it. That’s all. Nothing else. It’s not facism per se IMO. It’s the embracing of authoritarianism and the politics of absolute cowardice.

I personally wouldn’t conclude they aren’t being “punished” — they lost the Presidency, apparently to a “perv”, underperformed dramatically at the midterms, have completely lost the young when the largest cohort of Americans in history turn 18 before 2024, have had to gerrymander the hell out of any state looking like it might go purple to retain power to avoid the fate of CA, OR, WA and CO, are now at each others throats, and have to line up behind a man under indictment and facing scores of other potential criminal charges in order not to upset the cult that follows him.

As I’ve written here many times, these aren’t the signs of a movement gaining power. These are the signs of a movement desperately trying to hang on to the power it had. GOPers are behaving just like the cornered rats that they are. Hang in, keep the faith, and do the basics: vote them ALL out, every one of them, everywhere, in every race, until they get the message. Then we can go back to discussing conservative policy, progressive policy and the like.

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