US Politics Thread

In light of what is going on in the political sphere of the US (not us, you crazy mango fucker), I would like to think that the normal, non-fucked in the head population would get out of their armchairs and away from their BBQs to put a tick against annihilation.
In light of what is going on in the political sphere of the US (not us, you crazy mango fucker), I would like to think that the normal, non-fucked in the head population would get out of their armchairs and away from their BBQs to put a tick against annihilation.
What you might not realize is it’ll be a handful of people in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, Arizona and Georgia! The rest of the country barely matters!

PA has two urban area, the rest is rural.
WI has one urban area and a few larger college towns, but the rest is rural.
MI has one major urban area, with a couple of large college towns, and the rest is militia rural.
NC has one major urban area, a large progressive research triangle containing colleges and the rest is southern rural.
AZ has one major urban area and retirees in the desert.
Georgia has one major urban area and the rest is southern rural.

So, the question becomes whether the Dems in the cities outvote the Reps outside those areas?

Literally, a handful of votes in the multitude of smaller, rural counties can be the difference for the entire state!

If the race was COUNTIES, not STATES, the Dems would be SOL.

If it was a straight NATIONAL majority vote, the Reps would be SOL.

Lord help us.
What systems? Campaign finance? I could see that. But the system has functioned for quite awhile pretty well without a criminal totalitarian-worshipping charlatan getting past the front gates. I laid out how and why. Lack of understanding of what he was led to his election. But his renomination or ability to run again should never have happened. And there is no way to legislate the breaking of trust if there are no consequences for those that break it.
That’s my point. It’s rather reminiscent of what happened after the Civil War, when there was an unwillingness to punish the perpetrators and to instead to think that through reconciliation and healing everyone would come to their senses and that everything would turn out alright. That line of thinking in part led to the horrors of Reconstruction. After the events of January 6, there was again a fear of feeding a martyr narrative and a sense that the Republicans would come to their senses, Trump would fade into history, and everything would turn out alright. Alas, the unwillingness to use the weight of the State to prosecute Trump swiftly means the country is now months from his reelection, one ironically based on him portraying himself as a persecuted martyr and one based on him portraying the country as weak.
That wasn’t me who said that mate.

The entirety of the Democratic system, just like that of, say, currency and effectively all human interaction is built on TRUST. We make compacts and agreements; sometimes one side fails to live up to them; there are consequences when that happens that are negative for the party which does. But if those enTRUSTED to enforce those consequences refuse to, then the entire system breaks down.

And this is what we have — the greatest betrayal of rank and file Americans by the GOP in the history of the nation, which has refused to pull its support from, as you say, a man who is a traitor to the country and has been very clear in his plan to enforce the tenets of an authoritarian regime.

It’s not enough to blame voters. Trump shouldn’t be a choice and wouldn’t be if the GOP acted in the best interests of America rather than of specific individuals afraid to lose their own elected jobs by standing up to fight him.

When history reviews this episode, it is they — cowards, traitors, grifters, self-focused, derelict in their duties — who will be blamed. And that’s who you, now, should be blaming.
It is more than sufficient to blame voters. The looms who enable him, MTG, Cruz, Gaetz, McCarthy etc, do this because to do otherwise would be political suicide for them given the rabid Trumper base they have.
What systems? Campaign finance? I could see that. But the system has functioned for quite awhile pretty well without a criminal totalitarian-worshipping charlatan getting past the front gates. I laid out how and why. Lack of understanding of what he was led to his election. But his renomination or ability to run again should never have happened. And there is no way to legislate the breaking of trust if there are no consequences for those that break it.
I didn’t follow the rest of your conversation but it’s not just campaign finance - also the electoral college and the unfair distribution of votes in the Senate, which encouraged the Republicans to keep appealing to a minority with which, in a properly democratic system, they would never win a national election.

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