US Politics Thread

Excuse my ignorance on this, I know American Presidents can only do two terms of office, but is there any way the orange shitgibbon could change that if he gets into the White House, or is it set in stone, two terms max?
Yes, he can only serve one more term unless the Constitution is amended, which is most unlikely. Grover Cleveland did similar in serving two non-consecutive terms.
I wasnt being flippant, or trying to end your way of life whatever that means.

Your country are voting in a dickhead, they deserve all they get if they vote him in again... Quite the opposite of flippant, I am being serious, those who vote for that schmuck need to learn what he is capable of because I cant quite believe that the US are going to vote in a guy who tried to overthrow their own govn. Fucked up.
The “they” of which you speak will be a distinct minority, if history is a teacher, and the results of that minority will reach you.

It’s like sitting in the house, while your arsonist son is trying to burn it down.

“Go ahead! You’re just going to have to learn the hard way!”

Meanwhile, we all die in the conflagration!

THIS cannot be one of those times when the normal people sit back and say. “You’ll regret it!” because WE ARE ALL part of that “you,” not just the loons who make the choice!
Well I am fed up with it, I am frustrated he will get in again, and I am dissapointed America will bring that twat to the world again. You take it peronally if you like, I dont take it personal that out govn have reduced this country to a laughing stock, certainly would tell y'all to FUCKOFF or whatever you said.
That wasn’t me who said that mate.

The entirety of the Democratic system, just like that of, say, currency and effectively all human interaction is built on TRUST. We make compacts and agreements; sometimes one side fails to live up to them; there are consequences when that happens that are negative for the party which does. But if those enTRUSTED to enforce those consequences refuse to, then the entire system breaks down.

And this is what we have — the greatest betrayal of rank and file Americans by the GOP in the history of the nation, which has refused to pull its support from, as you say, a man who is a traitor to the country and has been very clear in his plan to enforce the tenets of an authoritarian regime.

It’s not enough to blame voters. Trump shouldn’t be a choice and wouldn’t be if the GOP acted in the best interests of America rather than of specific individuals afraid to lose their own elected jobs by standing up to fight him.

When history reviews this episode, it is they — cowards, traitors, grifters, self-focused, derelict in their duties — who will be blamed. And that’s who you, now, should be blaming.
That wasn’t me who said that mate.

The entirety of the Democratic system, just like that of, say, currency and effectively all human interaction is built on TRUST. We make compacts and agreements; sometimes one side fails to live up to them; there are consequences when that happens that are negative for the party which does. But if those enTRUSTED to enforce those consequences refuse to, then the entire system breaks down.

And this is what we have — the greatest betrayal of rank and file Americans by the GOP in the history of the nation, which has refused to pull its support from, as you say, a man who is a traitor to the country and has been very clear in his plan to enforce the tenets of an authoritarian regime.

It’s not enough to blame voters. Trump shouldn’t be a choice and wouldn’t be if the GOP acted in the best interests of America rather than of specific individuals afraid to lose their own elected jobs by standing up to fight him.

When history reviews this episode, it is they — cowards, traitors, grifters, self-focused, derelict in their duties — who will be blamed. And that’s who you, now, should be blaming.
I would imagine that historians will also want to turn an eye to the systems that enabled the situation to arise in the first place and then to reappear.
I wasnt being flippant, or trying to end your way of life whatever that means.

Your country are voting in a dickhead, they deserve all they get if they vote him in again... Quite the opposite of flippant, I am being serious, those who vote for that schmuck need to learn what he is capable of because I cant quite believe that the US are going to vote in a guy who tried to overthrow their own govn. Fucked up.
Exactly this
Just so.

I think though, that it's a new age. Social media and instant news informs voters.

I think that Presidential debates are dead from now on... unless it's a very close race and both candidates feel that a debate is to their advantage.
They should do a roast battle on tiktok
I would imagine that historians will also want to turn an eye to the systems that enabled the situation to arise in the first place and then to reappear.
What systems? Campaign finance? I could see that. But the system has functioned for quite awhile pretty well without a criminal totalitarian-worshipping charlatan getting past the front gates. I laid out how and why. Lack of understanding of what he was led to his election. But his renomination or ability to run again should never have happened. And there is no way to legislate the breaking of trust if there are no consequences for those that break it.

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