US Politics Thread

The notion of norms will be considered both quaint and antiquated once the radical right wing agenda starts to unfold.

They’ve given you the playbook. With a Republican Senate, House and SCOTUS, America will wonder what hit it by 2028, and even the notion of a presidential election cycle might be a wistful musing by then!

Take it you haven’t applied...

Those 30-90minute online training sessions will surely deliver the leaders the country desperately needs.
If Trump wins the Presidency, it's game over for Democracy in America, probably for decades.

There's plans afoot already, in America, for how he next President can scrap all government agencies and replace them with, well, nothing, resulting in largely regulation free governance.

On the world stage, Trump will withdraw, except where his base seems expedient.

You might see China's influence on world mattes as inevitable... I don't. But if Trump is President, I'd cede this point.
The increasing influence of China and India on world matters in this century appears inevitable, though if Trump wins again and adopts an isolationist position, it will only happen sooner.
I didn’t say America deserved Trump, that was someone else. I merely posted a clip of two actors saying Fuck you asshole.

I very much hope Trump doesn’t get in or if he does, he doesn’t make it to January due to his age.
The problem with your post, if not intended as a condemnation of what I said, is that, it's basically a condemnation of what I said.
I'd say 1860 was a tad starker but in our lifetimes, yes.

If Trump wins, it's going to be interesting to see what he can actually achieve beyond all the bluster. To all intents and purposes, as you say, he'll be sitting as a one-term President, so does that render him a lame duck from the start, or does knowing that the clock is ticking prompt him to do something radical? And how radical can he be? Global power in this century is shifting to the east and to other players, but one senses that Trump's actions may ultimately be seen as having accelerated that shift.
Excuse my ignorance on this, I know American Presidents can only do two terms of office, but is there any way the orange shitgibbon could change that if he gets into the White House, or is it set in stone, two terms max?
I am not bothered if he gets in or not now. America deserve what they want. Democracy needs to learn.
Funny how I don’t feel the same (somewhat callous) way about the UK and Brexit. I feel bad that folks there are suffering. And unlike Trump, who is going to die someday, Brexit’s changes largely won’t.
Those of us who live here do not want your flippancy to end our way of life.

It’s REAL here. And, will become REAL to the rest of the world if we take the chains off this clown.

Accordingly, it’s a sentiment many might share.
I wasnt being flippant, or trying to end your way of life whatever that means.

Your country are voting in a dickhead, they deserve all they get if they vote him in again... Quite the opposite of flippant, I am being serious, those who vote for that schmuck need to learn what he is capable of because I cant quite believe that the US are going to vote in a guy who tried to overthrow their own govn. Fucked up.
What else might it be interpreted as?

“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

You wrote Fuck you asshole. I posted a clip of two actors saying the same.

We don’t say asshole over here. Therefore our exposure to the phrase is from films.

It was supposed to be a jokey reply, to which we now have this!
Funny how I don’t feel the same (somewhat callous) way about the UK and Brexit. I feel bad that folks there are suffering. And unlike Trump, who is going to die someday, Brexit’s changes largely won’t.
Well I am fed up with it, I am frustrated he will get in again, and I am dissapointed America will bring that twat to the world again. You take it peronally if you like, I dont take it personal that out govn have reduced this country to a laughing stock, certainly would tell y'all to FUCKOFF or whatever you said.

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