US Politics Thread

The idea that any Republican can moan about mental decline when the last two presidents they've produced have been Donald Trump and George fucking Bush; a man who struggled to string more than five words together.
Not forgetting Reagan who went into rapid and serious cognitive decline. He once read a speech with the pages in the wrong order making no sense and was the only one present not to notice and reportedly regularly fell asleep during White House briefings. During his second term he was reportedly unaware he was even president.
Not forgetting Reagan who went into rapid and serious cognitive decline. He once read a speech with the pages in the wrong order making no sense and was the only one present not to notice and reportedly regularly fell asleep during White House briefings. During his second term he was reportedly unaware he was even president.
Churchill was the same in his second term.
Not forgetting Reagan who went into rapid and serious cognitive decline. He once read a speech with the pages in the wrong order making no sense and was the only one present not to notice and reportedly regularly fell asleep during White House briefings. During his second term he was reportedly unaware he was even president.
Reagan's shift towards Christian fascism was 'out there', and some of the decisions he made are still having an effect to this day.
Reagan's shift towards Christian fascism was 'out there', and some of the decisions he made are still having an effect to this day.
His and Thatchers combined economic policy affects the whole world today. Many copied it and look at the shit we're in now.
He puts an awful lot of research into his output so it's hardly surprising.
I wasn’t complaining about him having the show, or how good he is at what he does, but as we get closer to the election, 20 mins of comedic pisstake on the election isn’t going to cut it.

It would be far better to have the truth bombs exploding every day, or at least MWF.

To me, it feels like the Democrats are losing the propaganda war right now, as the right fills the airwaves with crumbs, while the loaves of Republican bullshit go unaddressed!
On the PennsylVANIA thing, I'm not sure where the idea of renaming it came from (apart from a diseased Orange mind), but maybe they'll threaten to change it to TranslyVANIA in the hope that Agent Orange will explode in fake fury.

Alternatively, in honour of Agent Orange, surely CrayonsylVANIA should be the new name.

Anyway, nothing poltiically important was ever attempted on 5 November.

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