US Politics Thread

Stall tactic by the conservative justices? Or is the court going to quickly rule on this matter so that the federal indictments against Trump can proceed well in advance of the election; or might they find that Trump is in fact immune? Stay tuned.

Edit: The Supreme Court has will not hear oral arguments for this case until the week of April 22nd. So at best, the Court appears to be engaging in stall tactics.
It clearly fucking issue of the utmost importance and cunts like Thomas just sit on their loathsome fat arses and listen to their wives for 2 months spouting even more conspiracy BS. Disgraceful
The US needs to wake up and smell the coffee this fall whether it be pro Biden or anti Trump and deliver an overwhelming message about the direction of not only their country but of the free, civilised world.
It will be, but unlike Nixon vs US — which was fast-tracked — this one is coming in and out on a normal timeframe. They also granted cert when they could have just remanded. I think the court is trying maintain an appearance of neutrality by treating this as “normal” but it’s hard not to see it as a thin disguise. Were Trump actually President at the moment I bet they’d fast-track it though.
Aye, they didn’t fuck around with the Colorado ballot issue did they? That was done pronto.
Aye, they didn’t fuck around with the Colorado ballot issue did they? That was done pronto.
What is the most disgraceful is that Smith asked them to adjudicate expeditiously in December and they said NO!! So why do they want to take this now delaying everything 4 months?
I don't live in the US but to me this SC , and specifically the Shitgibbon appointees are nothing short of crooks.
Talk of dictatorship is not premature, it's happening NOW!!
Trump is clearly judge and jury and he knows it!
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Can DOJ put enough pressure to have this decision expedited with a little more alacrity, bearing in mind the primary season and proximity of the GE?
They should, but they won't. Garland has gone so far out of his way to appear neutral he's playing into Trump's hands at every turn. What they should do is just get stuck in and let him scream 'political interference' as loud as he likes. Hopefully he'll have an aneurysm.
She might do but I think that would get reversed... the immunity case only relates to actions taken while the President was in office. The documents case is quite explicitly about actions Trump has taken since leaving office as a private citizen.

One more reversal (she's had two already) and she's at risk of getting yanked out of the chair.
I think someone (possibly a senior judge) has had a quiet word with her. Decisions, the sole purpose of which is delay, may now be a thing of the past, but delay has achieved its purpose now.
What is the most disgraceful is that Smith asked them to adjudicate expeditiously in December and they said NO!! So why do they want to take this now delaying everything 4 months?
I don't live in the US but to me this SC , and specifically the Shitgibbon appointees are nothing short of crooks.
Talk of dictatorship is not premature, it's happening NOW!!
Trump is clearly judge and jury and he knows it!
It's blatant delay by SCOTUS. As you say they were asked to take this in December. They left it to the dc Court who ripped it to shreds in a way that made it almost impossible to take a different view. And now hear we are slow walking another review of the issue.
I'm not sure the President asking for the arrest of the judges of the Supreme Court is really the path to a more rational future here.

I should clarify that I was being more than a little facetious.

But the fact that he could theoretically retaliate in such a way (even though he obviously won’t) should be an indicator of how easy this decision should be for SCOTUS.
It's transparently obvious that the Supreme Court wants to help Trump by delaying all federal cases against him until after the 2024 election. They'll hear oral arguments on immunity in late April and then will wait as long as necessary before ruling.

Trump's arguments for immunity are specious - so the eventual ruling is almost certainly going to be that Trump is not free from prosecution for crimes he may have committed, even while President. But that finding - namely that a US President isn't carte blanche free to commit any crimes whatsoever - will be delayed and delayed until such time as the cases against him cannot possibly conclude prior to the election.

If Trump wins election, he'll direct the Justice Department to drop all cases against him. If somehow this fails, he'll simply pardon himself.

TL/DR - The recent SPOTUS decision RE Presidential immunity is a huge win for Trump - but given the makeup and corruption of the court - this should come as no surprise.
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