US Politics Thread

Jon Stewart nailing the whole cancel culture thing

Those on the right are quick to call anyone who disagrees with any of their views a lefty loony for merely pointing out any flaw in their logic of beliefs. Then walk away when they know deep down they are talking nonsense. Snowflakes the lot of them. Why be right or left, just try not be a **** to anyone else, no matter what they are. Though I think that’s what “woke” actually is.

I walked away because I’m bored of conversing with morons
Your first reply was just a sarcastic I doff my hat and you’re a hero when I stated a fact

You completely moved away from the facts I mentioned and turned it into a let’s try and label someone who’s facts have annoyed me and try to belittle and slander and hope my fella morons come quick to help me achieve this ( they didn’t disappoint )

It’s boring and predictable and I can’t be arsed

It started with me saying you can lose your job by stating facts
I was asked for an example
I gave one

You jumped in offering nothing on the conversation in hand and made took a pop at me for stating facts
So I see you’ve got your knickers in a twist about my 90% of trans I see look mentally ill so I’ll tell you what I’ll do with you
For every video of a trans person that looks mentally well balanced you can send I’ll send 9 of them where you’d say they look to have huge mental problems

You up for that
I’m guessing probably not
I walked away because I’m bored of conversing with morons
Your first reply was just a sarcastic I doff my hat and you’re a hero when I stated a fact

You completely moved away from the facts I mentioned and turned it into a let’s try and label someone who’s facts have annoyed me and try to belittle and slander and hope my fella morons come quick to help me achieve this ( they didn’t disappoint )

It’s boring and predictable and I can’t be arsed

It started with me saying you can lose your job by stating facts
I was asked for an example
I gave one

You jumped in offering nothing on the conversation in hand and made took a pop at me for stating facts
So I see you’ve got your knickers in a twist about my 90% of trans I see look mentally ill so I’ll tell you what I’ll do with you
For every video of a trans person that looks mentally well balanced you can send I’ll send 9 of them where you’d say they look to have huge mental problems

You up for that
I’m guessing probably not
Ok. Show me the 10% of normal trans. I’m obviously using your numbers. I’m definitely up for that.
Curious to know what are these facts? Name a fact that will result in you losing your job or being banned - and banned from what exactly?
That’s the whole point. Somebody has to decide what is allowed and what isn’t. Takes a dumbo not to understand the implications of this.
That’s the whole point. Somebody has to decide what is allowed and what isn’t. Takes a dumbo not to understand the implications of this.

We already do. Racial Equality Act, Sex Equality Act - all rooted in the idea that people are treated equally and fairly and are not subjected to offensive abuse/behaviour based on sex or race.

For society to function some speech and behaviour is policed. The question is more where the line is drawn.
Interesting. Wasn't the same said about homosexuals a generation ago?
It's following the same path. Moving from taboo/illegal to a medical condition, then a lifestyle choice and ultimately social acceptability.
Paedophilia is now edging towards the same route. Personally I'm hoping bestiality is next.
We already do. Racial Equality Act, Sex Equality Act - all rooted in the idea that people are treated equally and fairly and are not subjected to offensive abuse/behaviour based on sex or race.

For society to function some speech and behaviour is policed. The question is more where the line is drawn.
Hardly the same as the proposal for ALL speech to be stamped “approved truth” or not. Read the OP.
Currently, speech is not policed even in the examples you give, which require a complaint to be made. Even then, a decision on prosecution is required.
Hardly the same as the proposal for ALL speech to be stamped “approved truth” or not. Read the OP.
Currently, speech is not policed even in the examples you give, which require a complaint to be made. Even then, a decision on prosecution is required.
I'm not arguing that "all" speech need to be stamped "approved truth." Read the OP.

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