US Politics Thread

enormous enough to close down a President, that that President happens to be a fucking nutcase is by the by.
But it’s not by the by. It is the central reason for him being “closed down” (if you can call someone closed down when they have the ability to summon the world’s press corps to a press conference within 5 minutes and/or post on the official @POTUS Twitter handle.
You are taking the stance it is about Trump, i am saying it is bigger than Trump. We can argue about Hitler on another thread, as it is derailing this one.

I also don't believe it is the media's place to take a stance either, they have far too much influence over politics as it stands. Politics should be about people not the stances of corporate or media entities.

In the UK we have seen the media destroy politicians, often by nefarious means, by all means hold them to account, but there has to be boundaries because Democracy is more important than the views of a corporation or a newspaper owner or editor.

Anyway I am vastly outnumbered on this, it is amusing that the forum Communist (that's for you Vic) is the one defending democracy whilst others are defending Corporate power.

I repeat, if the media cannot or will not speak to power who will ?
The big techs are more likely to undermine democracy by not banning people than they are by banning them right now. Big tech as a platform certainly undermines democracies in Aftica similar to how big mining corporations did in the past.

Actually there is a nuance and one which the tech corporations might make. Trumps twitter account is neutral until he posts on it. It is the nature of Trumps posts that undermine or reinforce democracy. In that respect Twitter is like a piece of paper or the printing press. It is a method of communicating. The message communicated is the problem. Would you expect your postman decide what post you get? No but equally I don't want my postman delivering random crap I've not asked for.

So the question is does big tech have a responsibility to take away Trumps pieces of paper when he incites violence on them? With their reach and dominance they definitely have a responsibility to moderate how their platform is used because of the huge amounts of money they make - see facebook in Africa. They absolutely can't turn a blind eye as content being delivered over their platform is undermining democracy.

Some sunday morning thoughts whilst lying in bed and needing a reason to stay under the cosy covers rather than brave the cold and go for the wee I am increasingly becoming desperate for
Twitter is just a conduit for news, in the same way paper is for print media or pipes are for sewage. Trump isn't being silenced, he has/had other options, including acting responsibly.

I'm surprised at your stance. He, and his allies and followers, have been spreading falsities about people for their own benefit. Taking on such a group in court for libel/slander is going to be costly, potentially fateful and moreover, gives publicity to their poison, even if you win. Trump knows this.

If you think about social media as a newstand, with each account its own publication, that's more accurate. After all, you wouldn't expect W H Smith to sell QAnon Weekly*.

*Any similarity to actual publication is purely coincidental.
It is not quite the same. If I go to WH Smith I buy the magazine I've chosen. Facebook etc allow others to insert content based on spend. So it would be like I've bought Womans Own but in the middle of it are 4 pages from QAnon Weekly.

Isn't part of the issue that the social media corps keep fighting the idea that they are media companies?

I feel like I've written two contradictory posts in the last couple of minutes
Reading this argument about Twitter or Facebook being right or wrong in banning trump, isn’t it same on every Internet forum including the very forum this debate is ongoing. Blue moon bans people for posting against its code of conduct. Online publications have moderators. If banning or removing content is t the solution, then what is the solution ?
You’d have a point if you were bringing up someone who hadn’t spent 4 years getting away with posts that broke every code of conduct rule that exists on the platform.

Your “what ifs” are purely hypothetical and not based in the real world. But I’ll play along, yes, if Twitter/Facebook et al started banning content purely because they don’t agree with it’s political view then I’d be worried. But it hasn’t in the past and it shows no signs of doing so.

So can we all agree then that you have no issue with Trump finally being suspended as you’re aware that he would have been banned years ago if he was anyone else?

Did you actually see the two tweets (and their context) that finally got him the ban after his initial temporary suspension (for inciting violence that led to the deaths of 5 people)?
The Social media platforms have been banning political expression for a while though, a lot of stuff that i think is abhorrent. The likes of Tommy Robinson have been banned (fuck me i am sticking up for tiny tommy ten names) and this ban is an extension or furthering of that power or if you like censure.

No I didn't see the the tweets, i choose not to avail myself to the utterings of a maniac, but where does it end, that is my issue. I simply do not believe that Social media organisations should have that power, by all means elected Governments can use their power to censure, but leaving it in the hands of corporate entities to decide what is right or wrong is simply not right in a democracy.
Reading this argument about Twitter or Facebook being right or wrong in banning trump, isn’t it same on every Internet forum including the very forum this debate is ongoing. Blue moon bans people for posting against its code of conduct. Online publications have moderators. If banning or removing content is t the solution, then what is the solution ?
That is an interesting point.

Ric, bless his little cottons could quite easily decide to ban everyone he disagrees with politically. He could cull the politics forum of all the cranks and i would be left with nobody to argue with.
The big techs are more likely to undermine democracy by not banning people than they are by banning them right now. Big tech as a platform certainly undermines democracies in Aftica similar to how big mining corporations did in the past.

Actually there is a nuance and one which the tech corporations might make. Trumps twitter account is neutral until he posts on it. It is the nature of Trumps posts that undermine or reinforce democracy. In that respect Twitter is like a piece of paper or the printing press. It is a method of communicating. The message communicated is the problem. Would you expect your postman decide what post you get? No but equally I don't want my postman delivering random crap I've not asked for.

So the question is does big tech have a responsibility to take away Trumps pieces of paper when he incites violence on them? With their reach and dominance they definitely have a responsibility to moderate how their platform is used because of the huge amounts of money they make - see facebook in Africa. They absolutely can't turn a blind eye as content being delivered over their platform is undermining democracy.

Some sunday morning thoughts whilst lying in bed and needing a reason to stay under the cosy covers rather than brave the cold and go for the wee I am increasingly becoming desperate for
An interesting thoughtful post, but who in a democracy gives Big Tech the right to act with such power. Who are they accountable too.

They certainly wouldn't pass Tony Benn's 5 tests.

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