US Politics Thread

It is not quite the same. If I go to WH Smith I buy the magazine I've chosen. Facebook etc allow others to insert content based on spend. So it would be like I've bought Womans Own but in the middle of it are 4 pages from QAnon Weekly.

Isn't part of the issue that the social media corps keep fighting the idea that they are media companies?

I feel like I've written two contradictory posts in the last couple of minutes
Perhaps, I don't use Facebook so can't comment on that. I only read Twitter, I don't contribute as the character limit makes it a poor platform for expressing opinion. I'm thinking more from the publisher view (i.e. the writer of the opinion) and not the consumer view, which, as you say, might be an edited version (honestly or nefariously) by an intermediary - that's another argument.
That is an interesting point.

Ric, bless his little cottons could quite easily decide to ban everyone he disagrees with politically. He could cull the politics forum of all the cranks and i would be left with nobody to argue with.
If he was culling the forums of all the cranks you think you’ll still be here? There’d be no one but Swiss Cheese satirising himself

Find your posts very thought provoking by the way but like most on here disagree with you on twitters stance on Trump. Although a bit craven of them to wait until he is effectively powerless, should have binned the fucker off ages ago
Reading this argument about Twitter or Facebook being right or wrong in banning trump, isn’t it same on every Internet forum including the very forum this debate is ongoing. Blue moon bans people for posting against its code of conduct. Online publications have moderators. If banning or removing content is t the solution, then what is the solution ?

I think the issue that Twitter or Facebook is slightly different to just a forum as their platforms are now so big, user created content on them has essentially become the biggest form of mainstream media there is nowadays.

What they’ve always struggled with is being able to consistently apply their codes of conduct and the impacts of that have huge consequences (Trumps messaging over the last four years, not just recently, are an example of that).
It's laughable really - Trump hasn't been silenced. He's been suspended from his chosen forums because he has been viewed as breaching a code of conduct.
He remains free to call press conferences every day to get his messages across. He can call as many as he wants - everyday - and the world will hang on his every word. He'll still be free to walk away at the end without taking questions - as he, and his spokesperson have done frequently in the past.
Perhaps he could express regret about the death of the Washington policeman, or make some other sympathetic comment for the many senators and general staff in the Capitol Building who were probably shitting themselves while they were having to hide, but, I won't be holding my breath while I wait.
An interesting thoughtful post, but who in a democracy gives Big Tech the right to act with such power. Who are they accountable too.

They certainly wouldn't pass Tony Benn's 5 tests.
That's why Governments regulate right? Also Governments act contrary to democracy and obfuscate so they aren't always held responsible. Big tech are accountable to share holders and/or consumers, staff or the individual that owns them. Plus Government regulation holds them to account. The consumers are probably low down on that list but before staff. Government is often in cahoots or beholden as well - which I guess is part of your concern.

I'm about to expose several layers of ignorance and I certainly have non of the same political knowledge and understanding that you have. But people are people whether they run governments or corporations or vote and consume
If he was culling the forums of all the cranks you think you’ll still be here? There’d be no one but Swiss Cheese satirising himself

Find your posts very thought provoking by the way but like most on here disagree with you on twitters stance on Trump. Although a bit craven of them to wait until he is effectively powerless, should have binned the fucker off ages ago
Exactly, if anyone outside of what is deemed moderate is banned the forum commie will certainly be on his way ;-)
Oh Michael.

Hitler was not democratically elected President, he was appointed as Chancellor by Hindenburg who was the President.

I reiterate, this is not about Trump, it is about how far Corporate power should be allowed to influence politics.
Thanks for the history lesson, but there really was no need. Where have I said Hitler was elected President?

And it sort of is about Trump, given his exclusion from Twitter is the primary source of this debate.

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