You do realize the vast majority of Americans feel the same way as you about her, right?
Hell, even her Party took away all her Congressional jobs!!
She is a clickbait, burn it down or shoot it out, RWNJ Trumper, who relies on voters being as stupid and malleable to FakeNews as she is!
At this point, she is an Internet meme and her 15 min countdown clock is ticking loudly!
However, speaking of being embarrassed….
And people wonder why Manchester and it’s environs are turning to shit?
Nobody is afraid of authority…or gives a shit about following the law…because the courts don’t lift a finger!
Bunch of lily-livered “judges” who pander to the criminals and their lying lawyers!
Until kids respect authority…and by that I mean have some fear of the consequences…none of this will change. In Britain, it seems that CRIME PAYS, and every scumbag is looking for an easy earner or a handout!
Piccadilly Gardens has been a haven for the homeless and spiced up trash for years. Everyone knows it, but no one does anything about it. Police want no part of it, because it’s just a big bureaucratic, paperwork nightmare, and the mental hospitals are a joke and rehab is non-existent and not wanted!
There are increasingly large GENERATIONS of scumbags roaming the streets and until that gets fixed it will continue to get worse.