US Politics Thread

I was commenting on your illogical conclusion that this indictment means that “Russiagate” is false. It’s not difficult to understand my point if you really wanted to.

What's "illogical" is not giving room to the possibility that "Russiagate" started from a single point that snowballed into a monster of its own making.

It doesn't mean other people involved should be indicted too if they believed the original information.

'Someone shouts 'Fire!' in a crowded room and everyone runs hurting others in the process. That original person is caught. Does that mean everyone that ran and did further damage should be prosecuted too?'

THAT is illogical.
The problem with this is it’s a 15 minute clip of Russell Brand but I did manage 3.22 of it before having my interest sufficiently piqued to look for alternative sources of the same information and ways of interpreting it.

It seems to me that Brand has overcooked the significance of this and the lawyers defence also makes interesting reading.

Does this issue represent absolute proof that Trump and/or his campaign team had no links to Russia? Not according to some of the other links my admittedly brief research took me to and there was nothing as recent as this.

Does one lawyer making misleading statements mean that Hilary Clinton lied about this issue. Perhaps someone could extrapolate the pertinent information from all Brand’s bluster and faux intellectual posturing to inform us, or point to a source that doesn’t involve having to watch a 15 minute film

What on earth...?

It's patently clear that the Trump family have ties to Russia as per the dumb bragging of the Dumb-Dumb Trump brothers. Many GOP and Dem politicians do too have connections to Russia. That is not the point!

What you guys are trying to prove is that Putin helped Trump WIN the election which is what 'Russiagate' is all about.

The amount of straw manning is amazing on this thread!

What the fuck is all this other shit...?
People just refuse to see it, but it's out there; well documented and backed up, cold hard facts.

His campaign manager Paul Manafort was heavily involve in Ukraine skulduggery and had strong ties to Russia. The infamous Trump Tower meeting was absolutely FA to do with the adoption of Russian children as was first claimed.

The Russia Meeting at Trump Tower Was to Discuss Adoption. Then It Wasn’t. How Accounts Have Shifted. - The New York Times (

Basically EVERYONE in Trump's orbit was LYING about ties with Russia, and if that doesn't set alarm bells ringing then you might as well give up now. And that's before you even start digging up Trump Tower Moscow stuff...

The irony is super strong with this one!

You guys lose your shit and your vertebrae bending over backwards not to equate the way these twats around politics do business.

Remember your 'brilliant' politician sat in the Big Chair said this...

Only to Put his Shades on Over the Matter

I'm still waiting for the cursing of Biden for condemning Mohammed bin Salman being behind the murder by you guys, collectively. I don't trust ANYTHING these people say unlike the you gullible amongst you.

If any of these politicians told me the sky was blue I would put on my raincoat and wellies and go outside to make sure it's the truth.
The Russians clearly preferred an erratic, far right Trump (and there is credible reason to believe that Russia holds comprimat against Trump and thus exerts a powerful influence over him) to a centrist Democrat in Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.

And Russia clearly engaged in massive online media campaigns to spread lies about Hillary and to sow discontent and spark partisan divide.

Which brings me to this:
Is Bigga a paid Russian troll? This is a serious question.

Because anyone actually believing in the left, even a very progressive leftist, would abhor anything Trump - fascist and anti-Democracy - and would reluctantly endorse centrist Democrats as a far more preferable alternative, even if centrist Democratic politics are not to ones liking.

In this regard - Bigga is either a Russian troll - or is some wacko nut job akin to Joe Rogan; a far left-leaning analog to Rogan, all too willing to ignore facts/science/rational thought - and instead desiring only to express opinions supportive of his personal far left beliefs.

I will always throw counter arguments in.

Having a 'preference' in leadership is NOT indicative of having enough influence to swing an election. The US has held propaganda and overthrown leadership in over 50 other countries since the 'Cold War'. This, by definition, makes you and your applaudiots 'paid US trolls', no?

That also makes you a "wacko nut job" for believing the US trope told for decades.

Your beloved Clinton? How many lies and truth twisting did she inflict on Obama as she ran against him? On Sanders? You have the GALL to speak on "facts" and "rational thought" when you allow information from the MSM to colour in your empty shapes to give you your thinking patterns.

I'm happy for you to keep being ignorant on truth cos yours is the only one that matters.
What on earth...?

It's patently clear that the Trump family have ties to Russia as per the dumb bragging of the Dumb-Dumb Trump brothers. Many GOP and Dem politicians do too have connections to Russia. That is not the point!

What you guys are trying to prove is that Putin helped Trump WIN the election which is what 'Russiagate' is all about.

The amount of straw manning is amazing on this thread!

What the fuck is all this other shit...?
“You guys”…

I’m not trying to prove anything

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