US Politics Thread

Don't shoot the messenger!
Surely, you either have democracy, or you don’t.
To an impartial observer, there's an insurrectionist and his cronies, or the other guy, who appears to have won an election. Arnie backs the latter. How about you?
I support Democracy of course, i don't support corporate power or capitalist exploitation.

Given a choice between Trump and Biden, I would abstain, they are equally dangerous in my mind albeit it for different reasons.
Ironically I can see a carve up of Syria with Putin. I'm sure they'll come to an agreement with regards to gas supplies there...
Now there is an opportunity for treasure.

The Corporate elite will be positively drooling at the prospect of the riches available, of course there will be sacrifices, but that is why they have the working class who are pushed by lack of jobs into armed service and possible death in order to sate the avarice of the greedy corporate capitalist elites.
I support Democracy of course, i don't support corporate power or capitalist exploitation.

Given a choice between Trump and Biden, I would abstain, they are equally dangerous in my mind albeit it for different reasons.
Very diplomatic! All presidents are dangerous for different reasons, dependent on your political persuasion.
All right-thinking people support democracy, as you do, therefore I submit that the insurrectionist should not have your support - ever.
Very diplomatic! All presidents are dangerous for different reasons, dependent on your political persuasion.
All right-thinking people support democracy, as you do, therefore I submit that the insurrectionist should not have your support - ever.
And he never has had my support, neither though will Biden.
You missed a KEY POINT: SCOTUS.

THAT is why McConnell & Trump care so much about SCOTUS! Now, if SCOTUS has declared something Constitutional, trying to write opposing legislation that will not be ruled UNConstitutional becomes significantly more difficult!

Then again, a more progressive SCOTUS might see things differently, but that would take a mass Justice extinction event at this point.

SCOTUS is solidly 6-3 Conservative right now, so even with Chief Justice Roberts’ willingness to try to ensure the most balanced bench possible under him, that only creates a 5-4 Conservative majority.

Trump may have lost the Presidency, the Senate, and failed to overturn the House Democratic majority, but as that smug **** McConnell will attest, placing 3 Federalist Society Justices and blocking Merrick Garland m’s ascension has changed the United States for a generation.
One major SCOTUS ruling of late adds significant weight to the argument as to why it isn't deemed a 1A violation for banning Trump from Twitter:

Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission - Wikipedia
Unfortunately POTUS has to be a natural born US citizen.
I always thought that but the criteria seems to be: Over 35, US citizen and resident for 14 yrs according to the US gov website. Nothing about having to be born on US soil.

Edit: Another page says natural-born but there's a wiki page about it being untested. Hopefully one of our US posters can confirm.

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