US Politics Thread

Yes I did know what natural born meant, was just being a bit lazy. It's a bit late and I'm on a mobile so difficult to research properly, but there does seem to be some confusion about the term wrt to becoming POTUS, I'll need to look into it.

Edit: My bad, misread a wiki page. Time for bed ...
“A natural-born citizen refers to someone who was a U.S. citizen at birth, and did not need to go through a naturalization proceeding later in life.”

So, ANY PERSON who has the RIGHT to US Citizenship at birth (incl. born to US citizens overseas), is eligible.

That’s not me, that’s not Arnie!
“A natural-born citizen refers to someone who was a U.S. citizen at birth, and did not need to go through a naturalization proceeding later in life.”

So, ANY PERSON who has the RIGHT to US Citizenship at birth (incl. born to US citizens overseas), is eligible.

That’s not me, that’s not Arnie!
Technically, my mates kids can be POTUS as my mate is a UK citizen, but both his kids were born in the US when he was working out there and were registered as citizens at birth.
“A natural-born citizen refers to someone who was a U.S. citizen at birth, and did not need to go through a naturalization proceeding later in life.”

So, ANY PERSON who has the RIGHT to US Citizenship at birth (incl. born to US citizens overseas), is eligible.

That’s not me, that’s not Arnie!
Are people born by Caesarian excluded?
I support Democracy of course, i don't support corporate power or capitalist exploitation.

Given a choice between Trump and Biden, I would abstain, they are equally dangerous in my mind albeit it for different reasons.
Abstaining is a coward's way out, as the events of the last week should prove. "Equally dangerous" -- absolute fuckwittery of the highest order.
Things appear to be gathering pace.

Pelosi is basically putting Pence in a headlock and twisting his ear at this point.

Here's my guess -- just a guess -- the pressure ramps in the next 48-72 hours, and he's going to try to pardon himself, and his family, and resign. I'd lay odds he won't be president by the end of the week. And Biden will become 47, not 46.
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