I believe in the vote too.
That's Democracy.
Republicans, writ large, do not believe in Democracy. They believe that any result not in their favor is obviously wrong - and must be over-turned.
Historically speaking, Democrats have been the ones who more often than not challenged the legitimacy of elections.
Bush vs Gore ( Counting chads in Florida) Democrats challenged the legitimacy.
Trump v Clinton ( Russia Collusion) 3 year investigation that produced no evidence of Collusion. This was a Democrar challenge of the Election.
Million Women's March. Not my President... Examples of more challenges to the 2016 elections.
Kemp v. Abrams 2018 Georgia Governor's race: Democrat challenge. Claimed voter suppression in spite of recording the highest black turnout to date at the time. She has yet to concede that election. So many folks who do t let facts get in the way of their ideological claims.
Biden v. Trump: Republican challenge.... Trump probably learned this from his days as a NY Democrat who turned Republican to take advantage of an opening. But ok.
Yet, your conclusion... It's Republicans who can't take a loss. Lol. Seriously? You sound like one of those who don't let facts get in the way of your ideology.
This is the "Big Lie." You, unfortunately, are part of the Lie - as you do nothing whatsoever to oppose this horrid viewpoint. Fucking Nazi's are about to take over America - in no small part due to the likes of cowards/sheep like you who won't oppose what's obviously going on.
Cowards? You know what's cowardly, being a clueless follower of what's trendy. There is no 'Big Lie.' Politicians, have been denying losing elections for ages. The rest of us just move on and let them stew in their idiocy.
What's delusional is conflating conservative with racist and Alt-Right. It's also despicable by the way.
I keep asking you for examples of these claims, but you provide none. Coz you are simply mimicking leftist talking points. And that type of automaton response is what's cowardly. Because you have no examples or evidence. Just assertions ad infinitum