Quite a serious accusation to throw around and pretty intriguing. Much of what you write has a kernel of truth and some is, well hyperbole. Do you have a link to some evidence that the US/ Biden is consciously, deliberately funding Neo nazis in Ukraine?
I've done a bit of googling and found a couple of opinion pieces:
“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster.”
News. Vyacheslav Volodin: the US Congress should impeach Joe Biden.
I don't know much about the author of the first but the piece is not unequivocal, merely suggesting that some of the aid/ weapons poured into Ukraine
may fall into the hands of Neo nazis. The second piece, well I can hardly give it any credit as the head of Duma (who I also had to google would say that.
An interesting fact check article here:
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says Russia’s talk of “de-Nazifying” Ukraine is a non-starter in peace negotiations. We’ll explain what these claims are all about and why experts say they are misleading.
Interesting that the US politician it quotes is Marjorie Taylor Green, who is pretty unhinged.
I've no doubt there are Neo nazis in Ukraine, just like in every other country. Haven't you taken a kernel of truth here, that in their efforts to support the democratically elected government of Ukraine resist the illegal invasion by Russia and in the process not having absolute certainty about where all the funds/ weapons will turn up and lurched into hyperbole? Or do you have some more credible sources than Green and Duma to support the claim?