US Politics Thread

^ He’s a sop to basically say “it’s ok to vote Republican if you’re black” and try and siphon a few votes. He knows it, as does GOP leadership.

Is it not okay to vote republican if you are black? i haven't seen to much or anything from biden for black voters. i could be wrong ofc, but i haven't seen anything.
Saw a clip of Biden talking to the press and jesus he's old. How can he legitimately expect to govern for another 4 years? He looks and sounds doddery, and its not his stutter, but his speech is just that of a very old person. Its really slow and so are his actions. His faculty may still be there but he's not a commanding or confidence inspiring figure in the least.

Be interesting to see him debate

Ive been reading up on some of this and bidens team are not alowing him to debate anyone. that says a lot to me.
It has begun…

Funny but also scary. They aren’t just going to use deep fake stuff to stick opponents in famous comedy scenes. How long until they start spreading deep fakes of Zelensky as a nazi or Biden having a stroke? Their base will lap it up as real.

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