US Presidential Race 2016

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Donna Brazile dodging questions about her and CNN's (Clinton News Network) rigged questions over the Sanders - Clinton debate

CNN is actually paying Trump's former campaign manager to "report" on the race. The man is contractually banned from criticizing Trump, how are they possibly in the pocket of the Clintons?

And as far as the DNC and Clinton working together, sometimes you have to make sure the adults stay in charge. If Bernie was the nominee he could very easily lose.
which party was in power at the start of the iraq war.

It was the republicans i guess who were replaced by obama who came in with that slogan of change? did anything changed in the middle east after that? fact of the matter is the situation escalated further and deteriorated further or didnt it? Birth of isis happened post bush, syria became syria in bush era along with demise of libya with an unprecedented increase in drone strikes. If you think US foreign policy was any better under democrats than you are deluded to say the least, obama was just the smarter version of bush and nothing else. In her speech of iraq she speaks the same lies which were sold about iraq or doesnt she?

Here are stats of right winger republican bush and noble peace prize winner and anti war democrat Obama

Bush: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Somalia.

Obama: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and Syria.
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It was the republicans i guess who were replaced by obama who came in with that slogan of change? did anything changed in the middle east after that? fact of the matter is the situation escalated further and deteriorated further or didnt it? Birth of isis happened post bush, syria became syria in bush era along with demise of libya with an unprecedented increase in drone strikes. If you think US foreign policy was any better under democrats than you are deluded to say the least, obama was just the smarter version of bush and nothing else. In her speech of iraq she speaks the same lies which were sold about iraq or doesnt she?

Here are stats of right winger republican bush and noble peace prize winner and anti war democrat Obama

Bush: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Somalia.

Obama: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and Syria.
He's been pretty hamstrung throughout his two terms by having a Republican Congress. Change is a slogan, though very well intended Im sure. Its a quirky system they have there, at least here PM is the leader of the party who wins the most seats in the legislature. Over there it is totally different and often results in a stalemate for Democrat presidents
It was the republicans i guess who were replaced by obama who came in with that slogan of change? did anything changed in the middle east after that? fact of the matter is the situation escalated further and deteriorated further or didnt it? Birth of isis happened post bush, syria became syria in bush era along with demise of libya with an unprecedented increase in drone strikes. If you think US foreign policy was any better under democrats than you are deluded to say the least, obama was just the smarter version of bush and nothing else. In her speech of iraq she speaks the same lies which were sold about iraq or doesnt she?

Here are stats of right winger republican bush and noble peace prize winner and anti war democrat Obama

Bush: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Somalia.

Obama: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and Syria.

I think the lists are a bit disingenuous as both leaders can only react to places where trouble occurs. When did the US invade or attack Pakistan BTW? Also please don't do down our involvement in such glorious episodes as Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

It may be more interesting to judge on the relative success of each campaign though I'd guess the measure of success would never be agreed on.
You did miss out 9/11 which occurred on Dubya's watch and finding the culprit - Bin Ladin was found on Obama's watch - Dubya looked for fuckin' ages and couldn't find the guy. Fair play though he bombed the shit out of the mountains where the Tora Bora caves are as he thought he would be in there and then started a whole invasion of Iraq looking for him even though he knew he wasn't there but he wanted to be thorough.
He's been pretty hamstrung throughout his two terms by having a Republican Congress. Change is a slogan, though very well intended Im sure. Its a quirky system they have there, at least here PM is the leader of the party who wins the most seats in the legislature. Over there it is totally different and often results in a stalemate for Democrat presidents

I am always amazed how few people understand our system. " I'm voting for Bliar/Cameron / Major ...." that sort of thing. Unless they are in the PM's constituency they aren't !!! In any event the leader is chosen by the party anyway. So in the govt we have the unelected Theresa May (I still think that will become an issue when Brexit doesn't go the way the hard Brexiters want ) and the ever popular Jeremy Corbyn. Adored by his party membership despised by the Parliamentary party ( so thats not gone away ) - ours isn't perfect but I agree much better than the US one
It was the republicans i guess who were replaced by obama who came in with that slogan of change? did anything changed in the middle east after that? fact of the matter is the situation escalated further and deteriorated further or didnt it? Birth of isis happened post bush, syria became syria in bush era along with demise of libya with an unprecedented increase in drone strikes. If you think US foreign policy was any better under democrats than you are deluded to say the least, obama was just the smarter version of bush and nothing else. In her speech of iraq she speaks the same lies which were sold about iraq or doesnt she?

Politicans are liars, it goes with the territory, whether they are English, German or American they all piss in the same pot. If the arent lying they`re tell half truths or practicing question avoidance.

There is however a massive difference between dragging the US into a war with lies while filling their own Republican pockets as the Bush`s and Dick Cheney and friends did through their involvement and connection with Halliburton and trying to withdraw from the mess the Republicans had dragged the world into by the Obama administration.

The question is for America is, who`s hands should you trust to invigorate the economy and clear the trillions of dollars of debt while dealing with foreign affairs.

Trump has presided over his companies in a despicable manner, you only have to look at his golf courses in Scotland the way he rode roughshod over the locals while lying about the number of job it would create and how much they`re losing per year.

The Trump Casino failure fiasco in Atlantic City New Jersey.

This is to name but two of his failed enterprises. The financial damage he has wreaked over his ex-employees, financial backers, his suppliers and other debtors has been horrific, I could go on. If you look you`ll find the skeletons for yourself.

The man is the lowest for of life and debates like a child, he came across as an inarticulate fool with no policies just catchphrases and one liners, but does any of this matter what he says or does, as long as he wraps himself in the flag and tells them he`ll make America great again with no detail of how that will happen. The rednecks and political zealots will still vote for him anyway they`re to dumb to know any different.
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