US Presidential Race 2016

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As showed with Brexit - People just prefer something radical. They know what there getting with Clinton. But with Trump, a complete psychopath, many Americans just find him more exciting. Hence why he can pretty much say whatever he wants.
Well if the polls are to be trusted (and its a big if) the gap narrowed to 1% at the weekend but has widened to a Clinton by about 4% now on average across the polls. She is also firm fav with the bookmakers, but as the Trumpers like to point out, this was the same for Brexit, despite that being totally different as the support for leave/remain was cross party whereas in the US the divide is very much along the divide of the 2 major parties.

Keep in mind that a general poll (nation wide) is far less important than individual state polls in swing states (because of the Electoral College). If Clinton wins Florida it is over. If Clinton wins Pennsylvania it is over. Ohio the same. North Carolina the same.

Here is an incredibly optimistic map for Trump and he still loses.
One poll puts the orange twat ahead but the rest have Hiliary leading,please Americans don't fuck this up
To be honest Karen I don't think you'll have anything to worry about. The media is spinning it as close to keep interest up. I think Hillary is well over the 270 needed and the pollsters will get their arsed kicked again. She'll be declared winner around 4am weds our time.

She needs to win well to prevent another Bush/Gore farce.
To be honest Karen I don't think you'll have anything to worry about. The media is spinning it as close to keep interest up. I think Hillary is well over the 270 needed and the pollsters will get their arsed kicked again. She'll be declared winner around 4am weds our time.

She needs to win well to prevent another Bush/Gore farce.
Hope so,i'm going to stay up for the exit poll then hope for the best
All I really care about are economics and there is no economic argument to support Trump so whilst they may be both top class wankers, this isn't even a close vote. Trump would bankrupt the States inside two years.
Fair enough, I am not 100% sure that's necessarily true, though initial impact would certainly be severely negative if he wins, markets hate uncertainty.
I could have sworn the FBI said it would take months to go through thousands of Emails they found last Friday. After 9 days there's only case to answer....I smell something.

And good politicians wonder why the mass populous doesn't trust the cunts.

For the record I don't have a preference for either candidate. The people of the US have to choose who's the lesser liar to run the most powerful position in the western world. And the rest of us with view their term, or terms of office wondering what their real agendas are rather than trusting their public judgement. Hillary's agenda will be all about making money for her foundation and Trump will be about making money for his. One is an alleged sex pest, the other an alleged Perjuror.

This is not just embarking for the US but for the world too. Putin's Banana republic remark rings true.

Self edit: The polls show there's a percentage point between them and this comes out...?
I feel this has become much more appropriate since it's release, with the US commandeering influence within the EU with the likes of TTIP to prep for economic warfare with the East (inc. global surveillance) and what feels like more within NATO whereby they're effectively the leader everyone is hanging onto the coattails of:

Just look how much everyone feels the importance of this election outside the US. I don't feel it's necessarily the USA we're all "living under," it's corps/bankers of various nationalities pushing various agendas such as globalisation/like-minded governmental systems they can influence via campaigns and a global banking monopoly, it's just the US has the most easily abused political system to further those aims, what with all their resources too. Governments change, the people can get rid of Presidents/Prime-Ministers/ruling parties they don't like, but if the system doesn't change, those influencing politics by funding campaigns in return for furthering their agendas, doesn't change - they are effectively the tyrant. By making continual power grabs to grow their influence by measures such as created a world of western-type "democracies" or global banking monopoly, they ensure their sustainability and effectively create their own ruling dynasty (by way of influence via funding campaigns). In the case of banking monopoly, this protects them against threats such as cryptocurrency (which they will seek to control power over, otherwise it threatens the existence of their whole banking system) and allows them to control the markets of every level, from governments to paupers.
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