US Presidential Race 2016

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Polls close in some East Coast states as soon as 7 pm eastern time. Many of those states (e.g. Maryland and Massachusetts) they will call for Clinton immediately. I expect we will know the result by 10 pm eastern time (assuming Clinton wins).
Upon which we can guarantee Trump will accept defeat in good grace with a sliver of self-deprecating humour.
Don't bother. I keep forgetting that you can't reason with people who make excuses for Trump. I've encountered many and they all fall into two groups: the poorly educated who eat up right-wing media and never doubt it and racists.
Well the quickest source to find would be the Wikileaks emails but you'd probably dismiss that anyway. I've had enough of the debates now anyway and don't have time with work, seems we're all ready to move onto anticipation of the result now anyway.

I wasn't making an excuse for Trump there btw, we were discussing Clinton's behaviour. So if your calling me poorly educated and right-wing or racist, I think you've been around enough on here whilst I've explained my rationale for my preference to know I'm not any of those things. That generalisation of his support group might have applied during the primaries and just after, but Trump has gained a lot of preference since then (that isn't active support) - mainly because Hilary hasn't done anything to gain it.
Well the quickest source to find would be the Wikileaks emails but you'd probably dismiss that anyway. I've had enough of the debates now anyway and don't have time with work, seems we're all ready to move onto anticipation of the result now anyway.

I wasn't making an excuse for Trump there btw, we were discussing Clinton's behaviour. So if your calling me poorly educated and right-wing or racist, I think you've been around enough on here whilst I've explained my rationale for my preference to know I'm not any of those things. That generalisation of his support group might have applied during the primaries and just after, but Trump has gained a lot of preference since then (that isn't active support) - mainly because Hilary hasn't done anything to gain it.
Do you like his hair?
You really don't understand oil price or economics. Or how the US has been shafted by a weak oil price having invested hundreds of billions on shale oil that needs the price of oil to be above $80 a barrel.
Is this what explains the lack of commitment to wide-scale transitioning to renewable energy?
Which gives her 272, 270 is all you need to win...
I've re-checked and have counted CO twice so I've now got 175 virtual Democrat certainties, which are (in descending order of electoral college votes) CA, NY, IL, NJ, WA, MA, MD, OR, RI, HI, DE, DC, VT.

I've then got 85 likely votes: PA, MI, VA, MN, WI, CO, NM, ME giving 260 overall. NH is a probable giving 264. That leaves the close ones - FL (29), SC (15) & NV (6). Winning any of those takes her over the line. Winning all of them gives her 314 against 224.
Yeah, it's hard for us at this level to say for sure about their long-term agendas/intentions and how they implement them but I think I'm pretty effin' close if not bang on with the crux of what I said, the details might be different. People who haven't learnt enough detail of how various things work together might call these people illuminati and make claims of shadow or one-world governments (unnecessary/too far-fetched in my view); the things they're questioning is very valuable to society in the public acting as a "check and balance" in the system but it's become socially conscious for many to just laugh at them (of course there are many nut jobs and eccentrics too). What they refer to as illuminati - (I hope) is an outdated group that oversimplifies the elite exercising political influence, I think is actually a loose collective of elites who may share business dealings from time to time or socialise.

Of course the freemasons and such secret societies do exist where people can help further each others' interests without public appearance - there are many that are freemasons at the lower levels that laugh at the conspiracy claims, but all I'll say is there are many clever tactics used by people in positions of power to ensure the security of their aims - people have to think intelligently to get to that level and to make moves to improve their lot (human nature for most regardless of current situation). If I shared interests with a particular group of people that most people can't relate to (i.e. are significantly poorer and uneducated whereby they may be angered by things if public), having a publicly known group is vulnerable to losing the privacy of what is intended to be kept private from the public if everyone in it is the same (i.e. elites with shared interests). By creating lower levels that discuss other subjects/aims within the organisation, you dilute the information within the group that you need to remain private and at the same time, if you ever come under suspicion, there are thousands of average working people that will defend the organisation (and deflect the suspicion of the higher private dealings) because they have a different image of the organisation (not knowing the full extent of it as you do). Similarly, having a society where people simply questioning things (that might be shocking to the public if they were proven to be true) are dismissed as conspiracy theorists, also does a lot to protect the people in question (though I doubt this was ever instigated by anyone and just simply happened over time because of mass naivety). Too much is written off as conspiracy theorist when it's a legitimate thing to question (for that check and balance effect to prevent corruption), but when people don't explain things like I did there it's because they're lacking the realism of information to support their point. For the people on the flip side, it's not just about burying their head in the sand, it's just their reality is so different and mundane in comparison to the elites they don't think about such things unless prompted by someone they might dismiss as a conspiracy theorist, and of course they haven't done the research to see any insight into those other realities (besides aspiring to get to that level because of a materialistic and celebrity culture).

Anyway off-tangent to the thread but still very important context to raise behind it all.

Look into the marriages of the Rothschilds, every powerful family in the Western world is linked it's insane. I believe Elites have different motives to each other and ideas for the world. It's a depressing thought knowing you can't do fuck all about it but just go along with the ride.
Do you like his hair?
Don't like anything about him personally, just like the byproduct of the actions he has suggested (and what is likely from his own blatant self-interests) if he were president - significantly more than what Clinton has suggested her actions will be (which are detrimental).
Look into the marriages of the Rothschilds, every powerful family in the Western world is linked it's insane. I believe Elites have different motives to each other and ideas for the world. It's a depressing thought knowing you can't do fuck all about it but just go along with the ride.
Yeah i can understand where your coming from there, it's more reliable to keep it within the family/trusted social circles than bring in outsiders but that sort of thing is also a very long tradition, such as elite families with long histories marrying off cousins for not wanting to "sour" the bloodline with "common" blood out of their own vanity.
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