US Presidential Race 2016

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Anyone note the irony of Jay Z writing a song with the line "The power of the P-U-S-S-Y" performing at a Clinton rally?
Man, Obama gives a hell of a speech. You can't help liking him. Can't you guys just give him another 4 years please...
Awh come on mate, I've asked a neutral question there that in no way relates to Trump or what you feel about what Russia is doing. I just want to see quick opinions from Clinton supporters (because I can guess Trump supporters' answers) about whether they feel tensions will raise further or not with a Clinton presidency. I haven't blamed Clinton for anything in that, I've left everything open to hear opinions without trying to influence them in the question (what I listed is to provide context to what I'm asking and is all true where I haven't left it open to uncertainty - i.e. the cyberattacks).

Regarding your last comment, I've made my preference and rationale for that clear in the thread, but I've still approached everything objectively and took information as it is - that doesn't say the opinion I formed from it matches up with yours, which is fine in any subject.
I don't find your comments on this thread unreasonable by any means. Quick answer, I don't know if a Clinton win would lead to greater or less tension BUT she feels a lot less easy to unbalance than in this way I would trust her more, beyond the question of which candidate is more - or less - morally and legally reprehensible
ps posted a vid a while back in which Trump pretty much says that Obama is unhinged. If THAT is Trumps idea of being unhinged, quite what does he think it means to be balanced?
pps that vid is on page 336 if interested?
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trump has the persona of everything i hate both as a politician and as an individual. i havent heard a coherent arguement but i`ve heard rhetoric by the bucket full. clinton is a politican, politicians lie.
i think this "make america great again" is, as we all know jingoistic bollocks. i dont think he gives a fuck for anyone but himself.
as a non- american citizen can I still vote for r.soleofsalford? Seems to speak more sense than both of them.
Man, Obama gives a hell of a speech. You can't help liking him. Can't you guys just give him another 4 years please...
He's a great orator and could have been a great president had the senate let him instead of deliberately blocking most of his plans.
He's a great orator and could have been a great president had the senate let him instead of deliberately blocking most of his plans.

Great orator yes and my sense is that he is a good and decent man.

But as someone who hoped in 2008 for an end to absurd militarism, for a health care system that isn't a grotesque sell-out to the insurance and pharma industries, and for all sorts of other things in line with Obama's promises? Quite disappointed for my part.

And that wasn't much to do with Republican obstruction either. Obama and his chief of staff sold out the idea of single-payer to the insurance lobby more or less prior to inauguration.

A "go along to get along" type is what he reminds me of. Not a terrible thing to be, but usually never the stuff of great leadership either.
Well unless something absolutely monumental happens in the next 24hrs this will be my last post on the thread. I have loved the twist and turns from the primaries, to Trumps disgusting tongue, to the revelations about Clinton, It really has got the world talking.
If anyone has been offended by anything I have written, that has not been the intention, I just believe we should be given a fair and balanced view on everything and not just what we are force fed through our TVs. That comment brings me to the biggest revelation to come from the Presedential Campaign and that is the way the media has behaved through it all. Nobody seems to have mentioned their behaviour in all this. From rigged debate questions from CNN to the typical Murdoch Fow news both, and other news broadcasters around the world have also shown their true colours. The media revelations of faking reports to half truths, to not reporting truths, it has shown that the media can't be trusted, just as much as those 2 mentioned before. They seem to be getting off Scott free though.

On to the 2 candidates and firstly Trump. I agree with every comment on here about the guy. The man is a disgusting and vile human being that should never be allowed that sort of power under any circumstances. His choice of words show him to be brash and unthoughtful and that for me is a major problem. Yes as the race went on he became more politically correct, but people don't forget, and this will be his undoing. I also think Trump should be commended also, it's not easy to stand up to the establishment and him doing so will cost him a lot more in the future through those allegations against him. I believe he wanted to "drain the swamp" but I also believe for his own greed too.

Now on to Killary.

As many of you have seen by my posts she is definitely not on the Christmas card list. The reason for the revelations or links, like others on this thread, wasn't because I disliked Hillary more than Trump but is more because of how things were being reported by our "supposedly unbiased" media. Most of it was anti Trump, and rightly so, but Hillary had dirt on her but was getting away with it. This did not sit well with me, and having been on a bridging visa for the last 5 months and not able to work, I've had time on my hands to post things that I felt the media should be reporting. Eventually they did start reporting. This is just one example of the medias attempts at brainwashing the dumb.
Hillary is a continuation of what we have in today's world. More bloodshed throughout the Middle East, a war of words with Russia for 4 years, and probably more Wikileaks revelations, but sometimes it's better the devil you know, and we know Hillary. To say this Democratic Party will work for the people is as much as a lie as Theresa May told about the NHS, but the world will probably be, not a safer place, but a more stable one.

Also, for those who have commented on my political status, I'm very much not right wing and can only wish America had a Corbyn style figure to choose from. All my life I've lived through conflict, Falklands, IRA, ETA, Gulf War, War on Terrror, Afghan War, Syrian War. Socialism didn't do Norway any harm did I it? I've lived through right wing Britain almost all my life and I hope we take the chance that America unfortunately doesn't have.

Good luck can't win.
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