US Presidential Race 2016

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I've re-checked and have counted CO twice so I've now got 175 virtual Democrat certainties, which are (in descending order of electoral college votes) CA, NY, IL, NJ, WA, MA, MD, OR, RI, HI, DE, DC, VT.

I've then got 85 likely votes: PA, MI, VA, MN, WI, CO, NM, ME giving 260 overall. NH is a probable giving 264. That leaves the close ones - FL (29), SC (15) & NV (6). Winning any of those takes her over the line. Winning all of them gives her 314 against 224.
You skipped Connecticut's 7 votes which are solid blue so there's 171...
You say there is no economic argument to support Trump, and then go on to make an economic argument to support Trump.
Yeah I think we have different ideas on whether the States being bankrupt would be a good thing for the world.
I reckon the Mid West rust belt states will be the key to this election. Usually Democratic but possibly will favour Trump's Protectionism? The opinion polls suggest not but as we all know they've been wrong before. I couldn't pick a winner with any degree of confidence.
The night before the election and you have just stated the most bleeding obvious "observation" of the election....but you're not willing to go out on a limb and call it "with any degree of confidence"???

Wow, I want to be in a foxhole with you!!
Watching Trump live now on stage and the crowd are going mental, there's a "god bless the USA" song being played as he walks out and he's being treated as a Demi-God.

Americans are a fucking weird weird bunch.
Also they've got lots of people on show behind him and they've doubled up on minority demographics with one of them. A hugely tall transgender African American woman. She's got a bigger Adam's apple than me.

I'm impressed.
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Hillary...The ultimate feminist???

And, I recognize the irony, but THAT is exactly the problem with the paternalistic society into which women in this world are born.

Hillary was the brains in the Clinton family, and she took a backseat ONLY because she failed the Washington DC Bar exam (to practice law) the first time she took it, but passed the Arkansas Bar. She saw it as a sign that she should head to Arkansas with Bill....and so it goes!

When he didn't win a second term as Governor, people in the state, including men AND OLD WOMEN in the media, said it was because she kept her maiden name (Rodham) and didn't look like a genteel Southern wife!!! So, she took the name Clinton, got rid of her glasses, did her hair like them, and started wearing make up like the women of the time in Arkansas...and he got reflected four years later, then ran for President.

In short, she had to mould herself into an "acceptable wife" just to get herself into the political realm as soon as she chose to get married and have a child.

Could you imagine a woman running for President who said and did the things Trump did, but from the woman's angle? "Grab guys by the cock because I can" sounds like an immediate disqualifier! Hell, any woman who isn't married with kids by 35 is automatically considered a lesbian, and that is a de facto disqualifier in Evangelical America!

Given the total fucking nonsense she has had to put up with...from what her husband did behind her back, to being responsible for the death of a Diplomat who refused to leave the Consulate he was told to leave, to non-designated "Classified" emails on her personal server, to the fact that pneumonia made her woozy but she refused to stay in bed and miss the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 Memorial ceremony, to....well, wtf cares, because she will be President-Elect in 24 hours!!!

As Ginger Rogers said, "I do everything he does, but backwards and in heels!"
Watching Trump live now on stage and the crowd are going mental, there's a "god bless the USA" song being played as he walks out and he's being treated as a Demi-God.

Americans are a fucking weird weird bunch.
THAT GROUP of Americans are. The other two hundred plus million of us are relatively normal, well adjusted people who refuse to allow this scary fucker to take this election from America!

Trump is wrapping himself in the flag...only this time he is using the Stars & Stripes, because even those Americans don't like the Swastika Flag of the Third least in public!!!
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