US Presidential Race 2016

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I think Trump would be best for us and the world really, he's not even allowed to post on his Twitter anymore, somebody else does it for him. I think that will be exactly what his presidency would belike, he will be the spokesman but it will be other people behind the scenes making the decisions.
If i think about who would bring us closer to another pointless war id have to say Clinton

Can you clarify, did you actually just say that?? Lol

Ronald regan loves disssssss
Would prefer the Trumper to triumph...only because he wouldn't be able to resist blabbing the big state secrets, JFK, 9/11, Roswell, would all be on offer ...
Hoping on a Trump win, Clinton might seem the sane option but when you look past the people she will be about as useful as Obama. Trump on the other hand may seem radical but he won't do half the bad stuff he has said which was said to win votes and gain popularity. I think he will get a lot more done though for their economy and he will only think about what can be done to make things better, that can only be good for us.

If Clinton gets in then we will see the establishment and puppeteers remain in power over there for the next half decade and everything will grind to a halt.
Trump on the other hand may seem radical but he won't do half the bad stuff he has said
What percentage of 'the bad stuff he's said' will he do out of interest?

Because, and call me a yoghurt knitting leftie, I'm not too sure a President should be doing any "bad stuff".
Hoping on a Trump win, Clinton might seem the sane option but when you look past the people she will be about as useful as Obama. Trump on the other hand may seem radical but he won't do half the bad stuff he has said which was said to win votes and gain popularity. I think he will get a lot more done though for their economy and he will only think about what can be done to make things better, that can only be good for us.

If Clinton gets in then we will see the establishment and puppeteers remain in power over there for the next half decade and everything will grind to a halt.
I think whatever the outcome, the establishment, as you describe them, are very much on the back foot now and will continue to be imo.
I think he will get a lot more done though for their economy and he will only think about what can be done to make things better, that can only be good for us.
Yeah that's strange because all the top economists aren't agreeing with this statement and the markets are having a bit of a wobble at the thought of him winning, a sure sign that they don't have confidence in him economically. He's an appalling businessman.
Can you clarify, did you actually just say that?? Lol

Ronald regan loves disssssss
That was a brilliant look into the mind of a Trump supporter. They seriously think that even though he can't handle the responsibility of a Twitter account he should be put in charge of the world's most powerful military. That's like saying you wouldn't let a child play with bubble wrap because it makes too much noise but then hand them a loaded gun.
Yeah that's strange because all the top economists aren't agreeing with this statement and the markets are having a bit of a wobble at the thought of him winning, a sure sign that they don't have confidence in him economically. He's an appalling businessman.
But you're quoting economists. What would somebody who has a degree in economics possibly know about economics? I think we need to listen to the real experts, the High School dropout, racist, paranoid dipshits of rural America.
Yeah but there's probably not a thread on here about anything regarding Chinese politics...Because i doubt anyone gives a shit despite it potentially affecting them.
Mao, Confucius, taoism, chan even the triads may give an insight into the chinese mentality and how this might influence the world in a different manner...
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