
cleavers said:
Palerider said:
Sorry. I cannot understand your attitude at all. Neither of you.
I don't think you have a clue what I'm talking about, so the fact you don't understand my attitude is fine by me. The thing is your expectations are too high, you expect to win everything, and you want it all, and you want it right now. Me, I've seen us win fuck all for most of my life, luckily I was just about around last time we were what we call successful, and can vaguely remember it. I remember the old european nights at MR, not many successful ones to be honest, but I do remember them, and I thoroughly enjoyed them. We won trophies, though I was too young to attend many games in 68/69. My first final we lost, my second we won, losing one made winning sweeter I expect. Wembley 1999 was one of the best days of my life, its not just the game but the friends you make.

So when we won the FAC in 2011, I thought it was amazing, for 30+ years I hadn't dared dream about winning things, the nearest we usually came was a promotion. Keegan gave me the best season of football I'd watched since I was kid, so when we played Lokeren, it was a dream I never thought I'd get to see, City away in europe, Groclin was an adventure I'll never forget, shit game, but what fun just being one of the small number of blues there, since then its got better, so I will appreciate losing to Barcelona, one day we'll knock them out, and I'm happy to wait, as I know it will happen.

Palerider said:
Football is a game and it's a game you play to win.
Of course it is, and nowhere have I ever said otherwise, and believe me I don't like not winning, I never have, not even in those 30+ years we rarely did, but I also have perspective, and patience. When we were taken over in 2008 I was delighted, but I knew we couldn't change 30+ years of shite overnight. I thought 3-4 years before we win something, maybe a couple more before we win the title, and 3 or 4 more before we win the CL, on target I'd say. We've established ourselves in the CL (and barring a complete disaster that I can't see happening, we will be there next year again), We're not dominating the league yet, but we've broken into the top 2 or 3, and we will dominate. We're still at the start of this adventure for me, so you can keep your "I want it all now attitude", me I'll continue to support, have patience, and perspective, if that's OK with you, and I'll continue to enjoy the ride that is Manchester City, whilst knowing that what we are building is long term, not short term.

I think the feeling may be mutual here, I don't think you understand where I'm coming from at all as well. My first City match was v Leeds in 1971 ( Lost 0-1 ) so we are probably around the same age and seen the same triumphs and disasters. I've been a season ticket holder for all bar about 5 seasons when my kids were young and I couldn't afford it. So I've also probably seen just as many City games as you and Rascal. For many of those seasons our target was survival and we could finish anywhere between 4th bottom to 4th top. Those days are gone (for now) and different rules apply. The core of this current City side has been together for 3 or 4 years, none of them are youngsters, 2 of them are World Cup winners, another one a CL winner. Most are experienced internationals. This is a fully mature team not an ongoing project. Using the word "patience" is silly. It's a loser's excuse. Always next year or the year after that or what about the year after that. I was bitterly dissappointed with the teams attitude on Wednesday not because we drew but because we didn't want to win enough. Your attitude is similar. I get that you will support City no matter what, so will I but I want to win and if we are capable of winning the major trophies then I want us to do that as well. We need a winning attitude. The whole club, management, players and fans. Your too complacent.
Palerider said:
cleavers said:
Palerider said:
Sorry. I cannot understand your attitude at all. Neither of you.
I don't think you have a clue what I'm talking about, so the fact you don't understand my attitude is fine by me. The thing is your expectations are too high, you expect to win everything, and you want it all, and you want it right now. Me, I've seen us win fuck all for most of my life, luckily I was just about around last time we were what we call successful, and can vaguely remember it. I remember the old european nights at MR, not many successful ones to be honest, but I do remember them, and I thoroughly enjoyed them. We won trophies, though I was too young to attend many games in 68/69. My first final we lost, my second we won, losing one made winning sweeter I expect. Wembley 1999 was one of the best days of my life, its not just the game but the friends you make.

So when we won the FAC in 2011, I thought it was amazing, for 30+ years I hadn't dared dream about winning things, the nearest we usually came was a promotion. Keegan gave me the best season of football I'd watched since I was kid, so when we played Lokeren, it was a dream I never thought I'd get to see, City away in europe, Groclin was an adventure I'll never forget, shit game, but what fun just being one of the small number of blues there, since then its got better, so I will appreciate losing to Barcelona, one day we'll knock them out, and I'm happy to wait, as I know it will happen.

Palerider said:
Football is a game and it's a game you play to win.
Of course it is, and nowhere have I ever said otherwise, and believe me I don't like not winning, I never have, not even in those 30+ years we rarely did, but I also have perspective, and patience. When we were taken over in 2008 I was delighted, but I knew we couldn't change 30+ years of shite overnight. I thought 3-4 years before we win something, maybe a couple more before we win the title, and 3 or 4 more before we win the CL, on target I'd say. We've established ourselves in the CL (and barring a complete disaster that I can't see happening, we will be there next year again), We're not dominating the league yet, but we've broken into the top 2 or 3, and we will dominate. We're still at the start of this adventure for me, so you can keep your "I want it all now attitude", me I'll continue to support, have patience, and perspective, if that's OK with you, and I'll continue to enjoy the ride that is Manchester City, whilst knowing that what we are building is long term, not short term.

I think the feeling may be mutual here, I don't think you understand where I'm coming from at all as well. My first City match was v Leeds in 1971 ( Lost 0-1 ) so we are probably around the same age and seen the same triumphs and disasters. I've been a season ticket holder for all bar about 5 seasons when my kids were young and I couldn't afford it. So I've also probably seen just as many City games as you and Rascal. For many of those seasons our target was survival and we could finish anywhere between 4th bottom to 4th top. Those days are gone (for now) and different rules apply. The core of this current City side has been together for 3 or 4 years, none of them are youngsters, 2 of them are World Cup winners, another one a CL winner. Most are experienced internationals. This is a fully mature team not an ongoing project. Using the word "patience" is silly. It's a loser's excuse. Always next year or the year after that or what about the year after that. I was bitterly dissappointed with the teams attitude on Wednesday not because we drew but because we didn't want to win enough. Your attitude is similar. I get that you will support City no matter what, so will I but I want to win and if we are capable of winning the major trophies then I want us to do that as well. We need a winning attitude. The whole club, management, players and fans. Your too complacent.

I don't see any complacency in anything cleavers or rascal posted. But there is no inconsistency between wanting to win and not acting like a bunch of spoiled children if we don't.
Chris in London said:
Fuck this.

Sunday was a bad result, yesterday was worse.

But for fucks sake, this is the time to show some fucking resolve.

I have just had a look at some of the threads on here. 'Have they bottled it'. 'Is the season a failure'. 'They earn too much money.' yadda yadda.

The title is probably beyond us. Liverpool and Chelsea both have to fuck it up. It is probably too much to hope that they will, though weirder things have happened in football. There is a bigger point, though. We are now being hit with a flood of criticism - the most highly paid squad in the universe and all they manage is the capital one cup. Chokers. About to be thrown to the wolves by UEFA.

We've had our 24 hours of self pity after yesterday. We've had our days of bitching about the referee on Sunday and the dippers in the media. Now is the time to put the words of the song into practice - you stand your ground, you never run.

Before the sheikh came, before we moved to this stadium, before we played in this years kit, before the premier league, there was still a Manchester City. Because Hull and Cardiff and Wimbledon and everyone else tell you one thing, and that is that the heart of a football club is its supporters. Us. Not the shirt, or the ground, or the name. Us.

So for my money it is time to ditch the self pity, ditch the whining, leave the post season analysis for the post season, and be blues. Stand up and be counted, show the cunts what Manchester City really is, and what it means and what it stands for.

Time for some backbone.

Now is the time to back the team,too many want us to improve whilst hammering the players/manager..
Chris in London said:
I don't see any complacency in anything cleavers or rascal posted. But there is no inconsistency between wanting to win and not acting like a bunch of spoiled children if we don't.

There is an obvious complacency that you are too complacent to spot! If any player goes onto the pitch and gives 100% then I have no complaint with that player. I may have an opinion that he is not good enough but that is totally different to not giving 100%. In a vital League game Sunderland outworked us. In the FA Cup defeats to Wigan we were outworked. In the home game against Southampton we were outworked. That is not acceptable. Even the manager said we did not play with any "intensity" which is a code word for "we did not work". Accepting less than 100% is complacent. We simply did not want it enough on Wednesday and the players and fans all need bollocking to buck our ideas up.
Palerider said:
Chris in London said:
I don't see any complacency in anything cleavers or rascal posted. But there is no inconsistency between wanting to win and not acting like a bunch of spoiled children if we don't.

There is an obvious complacency that you are too complacent to spot! If any player goes onto the pitch and gives 100% then I have no complaint with that player. I may have an opinion that he is not good enough but that is totally different to not giving 100%. In a vital League game Sunderland outworked us. In the FA Cup defeats to Wigan we were outworked. In the home game against Southampton we were outworked. That is not acceptable. Even the manager said we did not play with any "intensity" which is a code word for "we did not work". Accepting less than 100% is complacent. We simply did not want it enough on Wednesday and the players and fans all need bollocking to buck our ideas up.

You confuse complacency for determination. Nobody finds Wednesday acceptable. The difference seems to be between those who, at this stage of the seaon, can put the post mortems on ice for a month and those who can't stop whinging like fuck. Now is the time for unto keep our heads, not lose them.
Chris in London said:
Fuck this.

Sunday was a bad result, yesterday was worse.

But for fucks sake, this is the time to show some fucking resolve.

I have just had a look at some of the threads on here. 'Have they bottled it'. 'Is the season a failure'. 'They earn too much money.' yadda yadda.

The title is probably beyond us. Liverpool and Chelsea both have to fuck it up. It is probably too much to hope that they will, though weirder things have happened in football. There is a bigger point, though. We are now being hit with a flood of criticism - the most highly paid squad in the universe and all they manage is the capital one cup. Chokers. About to be thrown to the wolves by UEFA.

We've had our 24 hours of self pity after yesterday. We've had our days of bitching about the referee on Sunday and the dippers in the media. Now is the time to put the words of the song into practice - you stand your ground, you never run.

Before the sheikh came, before we moved to this stadium, before we played in this years kit, before the premier league, there was still a Manchester City. Because Hull and Cardiff and Wimbledon and everyone else tell you one thing, and that is that the heart of a football club is its supporters. Us. Not the shirt, or the ground, or the name. Us.

So for my money it is time to ditch the self pity, ditch the whining, leave the post season analysis for the post season, and be blues. Stand up and be counted, show the cunts what Manchester City really is, and what it means and what it stands for.

Time for some backbone.
just seen this Chris...thankyou great post.
been a great season imo - we've won a cup, we've beat the redshite twice, we've beat munich in there own backyard, we've been to barca and played well......wats not to like!!!!
Rascal said:
Wondering if Palerider thinks Chelsea didnt give 100%

I must admit it's put me in a better mood now! Just so difficult to know what the best result for us would have been. Looking at the table if Liverpool win tomorrow I think Chelsea will field a weakened team for their Liverpool match. Liverpool also play Newcastle at home on the last day and they look to have already gone on their holidays. So I'm thinking we desperately need Norwich to get something tomorrow. That would bring the Liverpool v Chelsea match to life and hopefully a draw.
Oh, and just to answer your question, I watched the game and thought Chelsea did try their best. If the ball went out of play they retrieved it quickly so that Sunderland's time wasting was minimised. They looked more energised than we did. More urgent. If they buy two top strikers in the summer we may look back on this season as an opportunity lost.
Palerider said:
Rascal said:
Wondering if Palerider thinks Chelsea didnt give 100%

I must admit it's put me in a better mood now! Just so difficult to know what the best result for us would have been. Looking at the table if Liverpool win tomorrow I think Chelsea will field a weakened team for their Liverpool match. Liverpool also play Newcastle at home on the last day and they look to have already gone on their holidays. So I'm thinking we desperately need Norwich to get something tomorrow. That would bring the Liverpool v Chelsea match to life and hopefully a draw.
Oh, and just to answer your question, I watched the game and thought Chelsea did try their best. If the ball went out of play they retrieved it quickly so that Sunderland's time wasting was minimised. They looked more energised than we did. More urgent. If they buy two top strikers in the summer we may look back on this season as an opportunity lost.

Still Sunderland did a job on a nervous team missing a couple of inspirational they did on us. For us it was Silva missing for Chelsea Hazard. It gave them licence to deny space out wide which they could not do otherwise.

Instead of bemoaning our lack of supposed effort perhaps we may say our lads had the balls to get get a goal back.

No easy prem game ever especially now when teams are really fighting.

Its not complacency on my behalf, its realism and I do believe our players give there best but sometimes in football your best 100% showing just aint enough and thats why football is the worlds game loved by billions.

More twists yet I reckon
Rascal said:
Palerider said:
Rascal said:
Wondering if Palerider thinks Chelsea didnt give 100%

I must admit it's put me in a better mood now! Just so difficult to know what the best result for us would have been. Looking at the table if Liverpool win tomorrow I think Chelsea will field a weakened team for their Liverpool match. Liverpool also play Newcastle at home on the last day and they look to have already gone on their holidays. So I'm thinking we desperately need Norwich to get something tomorrow. That would bring the Liverpool v Chelsea match to life and hopefully a draw.
Oh, and just to answer your question, I watched the game and thought Chelsea did try their best. If the ball went out of play they retrieved it quickly so that Sunderland's time wasting was minimised. They looked more energised than we did. More urgent. If they buy two top strikers in the summer we may look back on this season as an opportunity lost.

Still Sunderland did a job on a nervous team missing a couple of inspirational they did on us. For us it was Silva missing for Chelsea Hazard. It gave them licence to deny space out wide which they could not do otherwise.

Instead of bemoaning our lack of supposed effort perhaps we may say our lads had the balls to get get a goal back.

No easy prem game ever especially now when teams are really fighting.

Its not complacency on my behalf, its realism and I do believe our players give there best but sometimes in football your best 100% showing just aint enough and thats why football is the worlds game loved by billions.

More twists yet I reckon
<br /><br />-- Sat Apr 19, 2014 10:26 pm --<br /><br />
Rascal said:
Palerider said:
Rascal said:
Wondering if Palerider thinks Chelsea didnt give 100%

I must admit it's put me in a better mood now! Just so difficult to know what the best result for us would have been. Looking at the table if Liverpool win tomorrow I think Chelsea will field a weakened team for their Liverpool match. Liverpool also play Newcastle at home on the last day and they look to have already gone on their holidays. So I'm thinking we desperately need Norwich to get something tomorrow. That would bring the Liverpool v Chelsea match to life and hopefully a draw.
Oh, and just to answer your question, I watched the game and thought Chelsea did try their best. If the ball went out of play they retrieved it quickly so that Sunderland's time wasting was minimised. They looked more energised than we did. More urgent. If they buy two top strikers in the summer we may look back on this season as an opportunity lost.

Still Sunderland did a job on a nervous team missing a couple of inspirational they did on us. For us it was Silva missing for Chelsea Hazard. It gave them licence to deny space out wide which they could not do otherwise.

Instead of bemoaning our lack of supposed effort perhaps we may say our lads had the balls to get get a goal back.

No easy prem game ever especially now when teams are really fighting.

Its not complacency on my behalf, its realism and I do believe our players give there best but sometimes in football your best 100% showing just aint enough and thats why football is the worlds game loved by billions.

More twists yet I reckon

Agreed mate. I'm having a bad few days! Because I'm such a poor footballer myself I've always placed effort above skill. I apologise to yourself and Cleavers. Calling City fans of your vintage complacent is ludicrous. You are the club and kept us going through some dark years. Now for those Baggies!

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