
Palerider said:
cleavers said:
Rascal said:
When we played Barca away we were staying at the top of the Ramblas, as we walked down to the square I knew we had arrived, work to be done but we had arrivex as seeing one of Europes most iconic streets swathed jn sky blue made all my pain worth it.

We are fucking City Ffs
I've thought the same at a number of these games now, Lokeren - back in europe proper (no offence to TNS), Groclin (no idea where the fuck was I going that day), Copenhagen, Schalke, Munich, Dortmund, Villareal, Amsterdam, and Barcelona, all full of blues having a great time, not all great results, but from being a kid, they're days I'd dreamed of. Not all down to our current owner either. I have been very happy to be part of them all, not to forget the many big games long before that, I think many have forgotten (or never knew in many cases) what the word supporter really means.

Sorry. I cannot understand your attitude at all. Neither of you. Football is a game and it's a game you play to win. Of course only one team can win the title or CL and most teams fail. Some teams and fans are happy with failure, they are called losers. The team that wins are called winners. Call me stupid but I don't think £500M has been spent on the side so that we can be called "losers". You can spend £1M to achieve that. I am also sick to death of the people on here saying "but look where we were 10, 20, 30 years ago" it's irrelevant. Quite rightly we should be judged on how we do in the major tournaments. The truth is that winning takes guts. It has to matter so much that it hurts when you don't. Much simpler to win nothing, no pain. No pain, no glory is such a true saying. I'm glad that you enjoyed Las Ramblas seeing all the blues enjoying themselves. How did we do in the game though? Or was it alright to get beat because it's Barcelona and we were playing York 10 years ago? It's time for us to do more than just take part fellas, it's time for us to win.

And when it hurts, what then? Do you go around squealing like we have been doin, or do you show some backbone?

The truth is, when we were shit 15 years ago we learned how to take knock backs. We are now one of the best teams in the world, and if we do this right, the hard lessons we learned 15 years ago can stand us in good stead now. or we can be a bunch of Mard arses.

This is not about plucky little city who were playing way at York not so long ago and aren't we great now. This is about a supporter base who showed some fucking backbone when the going got tough, I mean really tough, and who seem to have lost that somewhere along the way.

We belong at the top table where everything is beautiful. But let's not forget that we know how to snarl and scrap and fight and win as well.
Palerider said:
Sorry. I cannot understand your attitude at all. Neither of you.
I don't think you have a clue what I'm talking about, so the fact you don't understand my attitude is fine by me. The thing is your expectations are too high, you expect to win everything, and you want it all, and you want it right now. Me, I've seen us win fuck all for most of my life, luckily I was just about around last time we were what we call successful, and can vaguely remember it. I remember the old european nights at MR, not many successful ones to be honest, but I do remember them, and I thoroughly enjoyed them. We won trophies, though I was too young to attend many games in 68/69. My first final we lost, my second we won, losing one made winning sweeter I expect. Wembley 1999 was one of the best days of my life, its not just the game but the friends you make.

So when we won the FAC in 2011, I thought it was amazing, for 30+ years I hadn't dared dream about winning things, the nearest we usually came was a promotion. Keegan gave me the best season of football I'd watched since I was kid, so when we played Lokeren, it was a dream I never thought I'd get to see, City away in europe, Groclin was an adventure I'll never forget, shit game, but what fun just being one of the small number of blues there, since then its got better, so I will appreciate losing to Barcelona, one day we'll knock them out, and I'm happy to wait, as I know it will happen.

Palerider said:
Football is a game and it's a game you play to win.
Of course it is, and nowhere have I ever said otherwise, and believe me I don't like not winning, I never have, not even in those 30+ years we rarely did, but I also have perspective, and patience. When we were taken over in 2008 I was delighted, but I knew we couldn't change 30+ years of shite overnight. I thought 3-4 years before we win something, maybe a couple more before we win the title, and 3 or 4 more before we win the CL, on target I'd say. We've established ourselves in the CL (and barring a complete disaster that I can't see happening, we will be there next year again), We're not dominating the league yet, but we've broken into the top 2 or 3, and we will dominate. We're still at the start of this adventure for me, so you can keep your "I want it all now attitude", me I'll continue to support, have patience, and perspective, if that's OK with you, and I'll continue to enjoy the ride that is Manchester City, whilst knowing that what we are building is long term, not short term.
Great post Cleavers, it summed up my City life almost exactly.

I went everywhere when we were shit and blues had backbone, we had too.
cleavers said:
Palerider said:
Sorry. I cannot understand your attitude at all. Neither of you.
I don't think you have a clue what I'm talking about, so the fact you don't understand my attitude is fine by me. The thing is your expectations are too high, you expect to win everything, and you want it all, and you want it right now. Me, I've seen us win fuck all for most of my life, luckily I was just about around last time we were what we call successful, and can vaguely remember it. I remember the old european nights at MR, not many successful ones to be honest, but I do remember them, and I thoroughly enjoyed them. We won trophies, though I was too young to attend many games in 68/69. My first final we lost, my second we won, losing one made winning sweeter I expect. Wembley 1999 was one of the best days of my life, its not just the game but the friends you make.

So when we won the FAC in 2011, I thought it was amazing, for 30+ years I hadn't dared dream about winning things, the nearest we usually came was a promotion. Keegan gave me the best season of football I'd watched since I was kid, so when we played Lokeren, it was a dream I never thought I'd get to see, City away in europe, Groclin was an adventure I'll never forget, shit game, but what fun just being one of the small number of blues there, since then its got better, so I will appreciate losing to Barcelona, one day we'll knock them out, and I'm happy to wait, as I know it will happen.

Palerider said:
Football is a game and it's a game you play to win.
Of course it is, and nowhere have I ever said otherwise, and believe me I don't like not winning, I never have, not even in those 30+ years we rarely did, but I also have perspective, and patience. When we were taken over in 2008 I was delighted, but I knew we couldn't change 30+ years of shite overnight. I thought 3-4 years before we win something, maybe a couple more before we win the title, and 3 or 4 more before we win the CL, on target I'd say. We've established ourselves in the CL (and barring a complete disaster that I can't see happening, we will be there next year again), We're not dominating the league yet, but we've broken into the top 2 or 3, and we will dominate. We're still at the start of this adventure for me, so you can keep your "I want it all now attitude", me I'll continue to support, have patience, and perspective, if that's OK with you, and I'll continue to enjoy the ride that is Manchester City, whilst knowing that what we are building is long term, not short term.

great post , we need perspective from where we have come from to where we are now , we were a top 10 team in 2008 , 6 years later we have 3 trophies , 6 wembley appearances and regular champions league football , and a soon to be 60,000 seater sell out stadium , and an owner who has a long term plan for success , someone pinch me.
We will win the league. History will repeat.
City 4-0 on monday. Then you will believe.
edwrdhor said:
We will win the league. History will repeat.
City 4-0 on monday. Then you will believe.

Depends what happens Saturday and Sunday really.

A resurrection on Easter Monday...?

It's the hope that kills you.
Pride in battle, blues, let us as fans never forget our motto.

Win or lose we keep our heads up and look forward to the rest of the ride because we won't be on this earth forever, theres many who'd swap with any of us at the moment. What will be will be and we can't do much to change that as fans no matter how much we expect to win or whinge if we don't.

The only thing we can do is get behind the team and support whoever wears that sky blue shirt. One thing I know for certain is there's a lot more good times ahead of us than bad times as in the past.

Expectation is a good thing which raises standards but perspective is also important to keep our feet planted firmly on terra firma and not change into that arrogant fan who demands continuous success or they throw in the towel or chucks the toys out of the pram.
Top post cleavers, good reality check for us moaners and knee jerkers.

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