Using the wrong word

mammutly said:
Cheesy said:
Should of.

Could of.

Would of.

It's fucking have you thick, illiterate, backwards, simple, uneducated, ignorant *****!

(Sorry, really bothers me.)

This illustrates the reason why cheesy was the best mod we ever had and ever will have. The of/have thing is a serious issue, whereas all the rest is trivia.

Thank you. Just thought you ought to know that when I was modding I suggested that this particular grammatical transgression should be an automatic banning offence. Ric said it wouldn't work as we'd lose too many posters :(

Seriously, I see the of/have problem as the major issue facing society today. The economy, immigration, Europe all pale into insignificance with this abominable misuse of the English language.
Cheesy said:
Should of.

Could of.

Would of.

It's fucking have you thick, illiterate, backwards, simple, uneducated, ignorant *****!

(Sorry, really bothers me.)

It's not always incorrect to use these forms though.
UUBlue said:
Cheesy said:
Should of.

Could of.

Would of.

It's fucking have you thick, illiterate, backwards, simple, uneducated, ignorant *****!

(Sorry, really bothers me.)

It's not always incorrect to use these forms though.

Please explain when it is correct, except for when you are quoting what somebody else said or wrote ad verbatim. (For example if they are the lyrics to a song).

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