Vaccination Passport | Fans will be denied entry without valid NHS pass

I’m in my 80s and I will be making sure that I’ve filled the form in and I hope that they check EVERYONE’S Covid pass. It is straightforward and like someone else said it’s a Government requirement nothing to do with City plus why do people fight against everything? I want to be able to go to the games knowing that everyone has done their best.
For the past few matches I’ve had different people sitting next to me as the 2 season card holders gave up their cards. So the last 2 home matches I’ve not attended because quite frankly I chickened out. I was scared as the numbers rose. As this ‘passport’ or whatever you like to call it comes in then I will, hopefully, feel and be, safer.
So just fill in the flaming form folks and be sensible! (Apparently, according to a poll here on BM I am an FOC whatever that means. So please humour this FOC!)
Thank you. :-)
None of this was remotely relevant to my point. My brother who’s a similar age to you never received an email or text and found out today when I called him.

He got confused as to what he was supposed to do so I’ve got hold of his supporters number and email and done it for him.

If I hadn’t called him, he may have been turned away on Sunday despite having a Covid pass.

My concern was people in his shoes not people who have received it and couldn’t be arsed doing it. Which several absolute idiots on this website, mocking my concerns, misunderstood.

I understand the club HAS to do this but 72 hours to complete is cutting it fine.
Do our security have the power to ask the players and staff for their valid Covid passports,and if none produced,refuse entry to the stadium,who ever it might be,and seeing we have to produce said passports.What is good for us,same for them.Ifnot why not.
They are tested daily, which is a bigger ask than what match going supporters have to do to get in.
FWIW, I've had 3 but will be taking a LFT.

Being vaccinated doesn't mean you won't have it or pass it on to anyone.
Vaccines & testing should go hand in hand when attending events whislt despite being vaccinated you are able to transmit - especially as one of the main purposes of being vaccinated is to protect others
not recieved an e-mail from the club but did use a link on this thread to fill in questionaire /form , not had any confirmation as per usual download to G-pay didnt work so will have to get a paper ticket from the ticket office pre-match , also have the NHS app on my phone. Usually get to the ground about 45 minutes before kick-off but will be arriving half an hour earlier .Boxing Day games are usually rammed but been on the planner and there appears to be quite a few seats left , and maybe all the red(blue) tape will put some supporters off.
Always look forward to a Boxing Day game at home and no matter what obstacles are put in the way Covid, digital ticketing i will be in block 104 making a noise COME ON YOU BLUE BOYS.
Merry Xmas to all of the Blue persuasion.

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