Valentines day

AntiUnited said:
dazdon said:
AntiUnited said:

I'm guessing you're not into the old wine 'em and dine 'em routine m8 ;-)

im pretty sure i will get banned for what i have to say about this special day :). alot of false expectations fairy tail bullshit in their mind ill keep it to that XD.

You've got an opinion and it's one i don't share in relation to this but I think your opinion gives the group a bit of colour and perspective.

And i'm not being sarky.

Keep up the good work :-)
Nothing. I'm not as soppy and romantic as some of you may think :-)
Ammy said:
Nothing. I'm not as soppy and romantic as some of you may think :-)

Filed in the "don't give a fook drawer" along with Christmas and Birthdays
karen7 said:
Never do anything special,its too false and forced because you feel you have to be romantic on one day

Same and the missus exchange cards, but that's it. I recall going to a restaurant one year, and it was so stilted and forced...the cheesy music, a few roses and a set menu for twice the price of the usual al la carte one.... horrid.

We are spending this one at Moses Gate in Bolton, watching Glam45 live...
I am making a meal at home.

Not sure what yet, some wine followed by vodka.

Got to now get rid of the kids, a phone call to my mum should do it, she not doing out.
Load of old commercialized shite.

Go for the meal on a sunday and have a romantic night after, walk in the bedroom wearing just a dicky bow and 12 red roses stuck up your arsehole or something.
Ammy said:
Nothing. I'm not as soppy and romantic as some of you may think :-)

Christ on a bike Ammy you are single? I saw a photo of your good self from the Bluemoon piss up...<br /><br />-- Mon Feb 10, 2014 7:43 pm --<br /><br />
AntiUnited said:
dazdon said:
AntiUnited said:

I'm guessing you're not into the old wine 'em and dine 'em routine m8 ;-)

im pretty sure i will get banned for what i have to say about this special day :). alot of false expectations fairy tail bullshit in their mind ill keep it to that XD.

You'll be pumping and dumping one of those dolls Del and Rodney tried to shift.

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