Var debate 2019/20

2 threads seem to be merging. VAR and corruption.
The intrinsic issues with VAR are being lost in the debate about the use of VAR to manipulate games. Regardless of potential corrupt application VAR is shite and always will be bacuse:
1. Prevents spontaneous celebration of goals
2. Is always a subjective view from another humanbeing
3. Off side - (even with margins of error built in) are subjective based on when the ball is played (margins of error simply give us new lines to argue about fine margins over).
4. Prevents spontaneous celebrations of goals
5. On-field decisions are influenced by a Refs proximity to the physical action not just visual cues.
6. Does and ALWAYS WILL prevent spontaneous celebration of goals.

Football is dead. The corpse is being handed over to the anal band of brothers apparent on this thread. Steralised, homogenised and prutified by pricks, dicks and enemas who have no passion for the game but need everything to be right!
They can OCD off.

And yes, i am angry. Very angry that the game i have followed all my life has gone. Football is about passion emotion. Without it, it is nothing.
Couldn’t have put it better
Video replays exist in multiple sports and I'm with you in the sense that they've taken some of the emotion out of the sport. You can't seem to celebrate goals immediately as you worry about them being chalked off.

That was the argument against VAR and the opposing argument was that we would minimise incorrect decisions. So far, its implementation has been poor.

It's taking too long to make decisions and some of the offside decisions are too difficult to make. It's been more of a success in La Liga and Seria a than it's been here.

Maybe it's the initial implementationthatds a problem and I'll reserve judgement until the end of the season. But it's been disappointing so far.

Makes you wonder why PiGMOL decided not to adopt other more successful applications , or does it really ? ( or should that be Riley )
2 threads seem to be merging. VAR and corruption.
The intrinsic issues with VAR are being lost in the debate about the use of VAR to manipulate games. Regardless of potential corrupt application VAR is shite and always will be bacuse:
1. Prevents spontaneous celebration of goals
2. Is always a subjective view from another humanbeing
3. Off side - (even with margins of error built in) are subjective based on when the ball is played (margins of error simply give us new lines to argue about fine margins over).
4. Prevents spontaneous celebrations of goals
5. On-field decisions are influenced by a Refs proximity to the physical action not just visual cues.
6. Does and ALWAYS WILL prevent spontaneous celebration of goals.

Football is dead. The corpse is being handed over to the anal band of brothers apparent on this thread. Steralised, homogenised and prutified by pricks, dicks and enemas who have no passion for the game but need everything to be right!
They can OCD off.

And yes, i am angry. Very angry that the game i have followed all my life has gone. Football is about passion emotion. Without it, it is nothing.

Now that right there is a post and a half.
It’s not just us, I was in a bar in Spain yesterday watching most of the football and there were fans from pretty much all clubs in, who to a man thought VAR was ruining the game.
Even the scousers looked a bit embarrassed.
Was it their turn to buy a round?
Hit van dykes arm before he passed it upfield.

I was in the pub before our game and all they seemed to be concentrating on was whether it was handball by Lallana. I had no idea there was another handball by Van Dick earlier in the move! As for the Lallana one, am I looking at it with blue tinted specs? For me the ball didn’t hit him flush on the shoulder and was wedged between his shoulder and upper arm, so that’s handball surely?
I was in the pub before our game and all they seemed to be concentrating on was whether it was handball by Lallana. I had no idea there was another handball by Van Dick earlier in the move! As for the Lallana one, am I looking at it with blue tinted specs? For me the ball didn’t hit him flush on the shoulder and was wedged between his shoulder and upper arm, so that’s handball surely?

blue tinted sadly. Never hit Lallanas arm, it was actually Sky who flagged the VVD handball at half time, asked him after the game if it hit him too. Inconclusive isn’t an answer you want to hear with technology
blue tinted sadly. Never hit Lallanas arm, it was actually Sky who flagged the VVD handball at half time, asked him after the game if it hit him too. Inconclusive isn’t an answer you want to hear with technology

Fair enough. Looked to me like it connected with his arm as well but was stood in a crowded pub with not the best viewing angle.
Why pretend to be a City fan and continue to talk about 'us'? No genuine City fan would resort to nitpicking like that to show the playing field has been level and Liverpool haven't got unfair advantages.

It's not simply that Liverpool have more rest than City after both games, 3 and 4 days vs 2 and 3 days respectively, but that they play Wolves at home 45 hours after the latter played City. Even Klopp and some Liverpool sites admitted that's not fair. Further SU have more rest before playing City.

Even if you give another day rest to Liverpool because of their travel to Dubai (where they played teams whose players are not good enough for the big clubs in Europe, Liverpool played several reserves in the 1st game while Leicester played their first XI against Everton in the league cup and then got battered against City), why make it easy for them by giving only 45 hours to Wolves who had to rotate half the team and start without their best attackers the game at Anfield? That's obviously unfair.

Favourable decisions for Liverpool? Leicester pen. The game with City was scandalous. 1st goal shouldn't have stood even if no pen for City was awarded. 2nd goal no VAR check for offside, then Mane pushes Sterling in the box and then the ball hits TAA,s hand again.

Next game Palace away, goal ruled out because Lovren was pushed. Why pushing Sterling while dribbling at speed isn't a foul, but pushing Lovren is a foul? Next game Everton, Van Dijk pushes an Everton player in the box, no foul again. Double standards again. TAA - deliberate handball while being on a yellow...

There are other examples going Liverpool's way. There are no such examples with City influencing the final result in City's favour.

That's my last response to you because I don't want to waste my time arguing with a troll.

So wait, you are saying that every decision that went againts liverpool is correct but everything that went for them is wrong? You didnt state facts, just your assumptions. You are biased and you know it. That lovren push, he was smart of making it look like a fault, didnt we all wish Mendy did that? Dont talk about taa handball, we lost the game and were never in the contest, still think we would have lost because we dont know what would have happened if the first hand ball were given as free kic That leicester penalty, was dubious, yes, but you cant let a leg out like that with players like mane, he will take advantage. Now VAR didnt exist last season, how were they only one point behind us? No conspiracy theory then, oh wait, because we won. So no need to be clutching at straws.

You keep talking about the Christmas schedule like that was a title decider, we were already behind them before that. Why arent you talking about how easy our schedule was and the fact we played less game, and the fact we had the easiest group in ever CL history ever that should have helped to propel us to the top. No, let's not talk about that, that was for us, we conspiracy theoriest cant talk about that.

Stop with this conspiracy theories man. Your statements are biased, one sided to suit your arguments. "Oh why are we losing, must be because liverpool bought the league and they had 45 hours worth of extra rest for one game." You sound like the sore loser they were last season. All you talk is liverpool, nothing about us, you sure your not having a crush on them?

This season is our doing, like I said, we already lost 5 games, and it's not liverpool's fault. You want to live just with hate, go ahead man, this forum is full of you people. I for one want to see our owners and pep react to this.
So wait, you are saying that every decision that went againts liverpool is correct but everything that went for them is wrong? You didnt state facts, just your assumptions. You are biased and you know it. That lovren push, he was smart of making it look like a fault, didnt we all wish Mendy did that? Dont talk about taa handball, we lost the game and were never in the contest, still think we would have lost because we dont know what would have happened if the first hand ball were given as free kic That leicester penalty, was dubious, yes, but you cant let a leg out like that with players like mane, he will take advantage. Now VAR didnt exist last season, how were they only one point behind us? No conspiracy theory then, oh wait, because we won. So no need to be clutching at straws.

You keep talking about the Christmas schedule like that was a title decider, we were already behind them before that. Why arent you talking about how easy our schedule was and the fact we played less game, and the fact we had the easiest group in ever CL history ever that should have helped to propel us to the top. No, let's not talk about that, that was for us, we conspiracy theoriest cant talk about that.

Stop with this conspiracy theories man. Your statements are biased, one sided to suit your arguments. "Oh why are we losing, must be because liverpool bought the league and they had 45 hours worth of extra rest for one game." You sound like the sore loser they were last season. All you talk is liverpool, nothing about us, you sure your not having a crush on them?

This season is our doing, like I said, we already lost 5 games, and it's not liverpool's fault. You want to live just with hate, go ahead man, this forum is full of you people. I for one want to see our owners and pep react to this.

You are a troll and not a smart one at that. Go to RAWK where you belong. Not interested in having a debate with a Liverpool supporter pretending to be a City fan.
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So wait, you are saying that every decision that went againts liverpool is correct but everything that went for them is wrong? You didnt state facts, just your assumptions. You are biased and you know it. That lovren push, he was smart of making it look like a fault, didnt we all wish Mendy did that? Dont talk about taa handball, we lost the game and were never in the contest, still think we would have lost because we dont know what would have happened if the first hand ball were given as free kic That leicester penalty, was dubious, yes, but you cant let a leg out like that with players like mane, he will take advantage. Now VAR didnt exist last season, how were they only one point behind us? No conspiracy theory then, oh wait, because we won. So no need to be clutching at straws.

You keep talking about the Christmas schedule like that was a title decider, we were already behind them before that. Why arent you talking about how easy our schedule was and the fact we played less game, and the fact we had the easiest group in ever CL history ever that should have helped to propel us to the top. No, let's not talk about that, that was for us, we conspiracy theoriest cant talk about that.

Stop with this conspiracy theories man. Your statements are biased, one sided to suit your arguments. "Oh why are we losing, must be because liverpool bought the league and they had 45 hours worth of extra rest for one game." You sound like the sore loser they were last season. All you talk is liverpool, nothing about us, you sure your not having a crush on them?

This season is our doing, like I said, we already lost 5 games, and it's not liverpool's fault. You want to live just with hate, go ahead man, this forum is full of you people. I for one want to see our owners and pep react to this.
The Liverpool v Man City game swung on a refereeing error. Within moments City were 1-0 down instead of being potentially 1-0 up. Had VAR operated correctly, we'd have been given the 2nd penalty. That maybe opinion but even a Liverpool fan would probably agree that that game was shaped by refereeing decisions.

I believe UEFA have acknowledged that the VAR process is flawed in regards to offside and I expect change in the Summer. Unfortunately I think it will be rule changes and VAR itself is going to remain in place.

I do think the Premier League should be careful about its use because it threatens to damage credibility.

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