But I still cannot accept that so-called experienced refs with Heaven knows how many hours of in-service explanation from Old Mother Riley can arrive at a PL game of such importance and deliver the worst example of misapplication. This stuff doesn't happen. They are experts! They know the LotG backwards, upwards, inside out. Oh, hang on a tick, I wonder if they know them the right way round?
I think this is a case of a new law being seen to say something it doesn’t.
The “IF THEN” has been removed, to where it is being applied to ANY HANDBALL, not just those that result in control or possession.
A simple example...
A player is running for a cross, it ACCIDENTALLY hits his arm and,
A) goes directly into the goal, or
B) falls at his feet. He immediately passes the ball to another player, who scores, or
C) deflects to another player on his team who scores a goal.
Goal or no goal???
A) No goal! Simple, as you can no longer score DIRECTLY from a handball, no matter how innocuous.
B) No goal! Simple, because no matter how innocuous the handball,
if it allows you to bring the ball
under control or into your possession, even a subsequent pass for a goal deems the goal illegal.
C) GOAL!!! The ball did not go
directly into the goal AND at no time was the ball either in
possession or control of the player committing the handball, therefore the “handball” is NOT COVERED BY THIS NEW LAW AND IS BOTH INCIDENTAL AND ACCIDENTAL CONTACT ON THE PLAY. The requirement for control or possession negates this from being construed as a handball.
Jesus scores GOAL C. Llorente scored goal A.