VAR thread 2022/23

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Can anyone ever remember it being as fcuked up as this before VAR was brought in, ever ?

The non decision calling is appalling..

Another scandalous performance, the dippers should have been down to 8 players and don't get me started on us being royally fcuked over at the swamp..!

Get the twats front and centre in front of the cameras after the game to explain their decisions..!

Not a fkin chance.. !

Bent as fcuk..!

Do I remember there being terrible decisions before VAR? Yes, absolutely. But at the very least the referees were actually making decisions. These days referees just don’t make decisions and defer to VAR man in the sky. Which would be fine if it wasn’t for the fact it would take the use of something like thermonuclear weaponry for VAR to even think of getting involved.

I’m a firm believe that VAR isn’t the problem, PGMOL is. To be this bad they simply have to be botching it on purpose.
It should result in sackings and investigations not the removal of VAR. It's the people operating the system not the system itself
I take your point but I'm not sure it's workable for all kinds of reasons - technical, errors in decision making, interpretation ,incompetence, application etc.
It's also introduced a new level of complexity into decision making that wasn't a big deal beforehand - an example would be infringements in the build up to a goal.
It rules out very good goals for marginal and highly subjective infringements and it sucks the life and enjoyment out of the game, particularly goal celebrations.
I'm at the stage now where I would rather go back to the old days where you had to rely on the officials and accept their mistakes.
I take your point but I'm not sure it's workable for all kinds of reasons - technical, errors in decision making, interpretation ,incompetence, application etc.
It's also introduced a new level of complexity into decision making that wasn't a big deal beforehand - an example would be infringements in the build up to a goal.
It rules out very good goals for marginal and highly subjective infringements and it sucks the life and enjoyment out of the game, particularly goal celebrations.
I'm at the stage now where I would rather go back to the old days where you had to rely on the officials and accept their mistakes.

I think all of these issues are solvable with competent officiation using the technology within the constraints and limitations that it is bound by.

Rugby is not simpler than football (I would argue its rulebook is more complex), yet it has worked fine there for decades. Same with cricket.

Use it sparingly for the things that it’s good for. Preventing mistaken identity, giving referees a chance to review potential red card incidents (without this ludicrous notion that if it is referred then the decision is overturned 100% of the time, I don’t know where that came from and it’s bonkers. If a decision is marginal let the referee see it again and make an informed decision.), checking if tackles are inside or outside the box.

This isn’t hard stuff. They’re just doing it unbelievably badly and making everything enormously more complicated than it needs to be.
Football is so arrogant that it clearly hasn’t looked at other sports to see how Video Refs work in other sports and where it works well.

Howard Webb, Richard Masters, Mark Bullingham and others need to head down to the RFL and RFU headquarters and take in a few rugby league and union games and be shown how the Video Ref is utilised at rugby games and have it all explained away from games.

At present, all I see is a closed and secretive organisation that refuses to make the on-pitch officials look like they’ve made a mistake. That’s just completely the wrong way of going about it. VAR was brought in because football is too difficult to officiate with just on-pitch officials, so needs a good Video Ref system to improve decisions and improve the sport.

As well as other factors (honesty of players being a big one) along with Video Refs, I think both codes of rugby are currently better sports than football.

Football, PGMOL and clubs need to book their fucking ideas up.
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Can anyone ever remember it being as fcuked up as this before VAR was brought in, ever ?

Another scandalous performance, the dippers should have been down to 8 players

I can just see it now.

Rob, "Dermot, what's your view on those 3 potential red cards in the Brighton game."

Dermot, "I think the ref got it right, all subjective decisions and yellow was the correct call."

Rob, "Most people would disagree with that are you sure?"

Dermot, "Giving it further thought, the safe option would have been 3 penalties for Liverpool".
I think all of these issues are solvable with competent officiation using the technology within the constraints and limitations that it is bound by.

Rugby is not simpler than football (I would argue its rulebook is more complex), yet it has worked fine there for decades. Same with cricket.

Use it sparingly for the things that it’s good for. Preventing mistaken identity, giving referees a chance to review potential red card incidents (without this ludicrous notion that if it is referred then the decision is overturned 100% of the time, I don’t know where that came from and it’s bonkers. If a decision is marginal let the referee see it again and make an informed decision.), checking if tackles are inside or outside the box.

This isn’t hard stuff. They’re just doing it unbelievably badly and making everything enormously more complicated than it needs to be.
Whilst I want it scrapped I accept the cat is out of the bag and unfortunately it's here to stay if only for the fact that if we went back to the good old days of relying on the officials every wrong decision would be analysed by TV on the basis of 'var would have ruled that out'.
You want to use it more sparingly but others would want to extend it's use. I just can't see any consensus being reached as to how it should be applied.
Do I remember there being terrible decisions before VAR? Yes, absolutely. But at the very least the referees were actually making decisions. These days referees just don’t make decisions and defer to VAR man in the sky. Which would be fine if it wasn’t for the fact it would take the use of something like thermonuclear weaponry for VAR to even think of getting involved.

I’m a firm believe that VAR isn’t the problem, PGMOL is. To be this bad they simply have to be botching it on purpose.

Currently, there are bad decisions being made every week right across the game by VAR.

VAR is regularly the major talking point after games have finished.

SKY have even appointed an ex referee to explain the weekend VAR calls FFS.

The poor fucker has got his work cut out every week, wriggling on a hook like a worm, trying to explain why VAR made the calls they did..

Dismissing it as, human error, not enough cameras in the stadium, it's handball, it's not handball, it's the phases of play and being told, if you're 5 yards offside, running towards the opposition goal with the ball between your feet, attracting defenders towards you and making the opposition goalkeeper set himself for a shot, only for a second player to then score, that the said forward wasn't interfering with play and the goal will stand, IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH..!

Of course football had bad calls before VAR but FFS I cannot recall the huge amount shit calls that are now happening on such a regular basis being made prior to VAR being wheeled in.

Wolves were stitched up at Anfield, then lost the replay.

We got done at united.

Liverpool should have had 3 players sent off within a 10 minute interval today but none were..

The score at the time was 1-1.

These incidents are not hard calls but went a long way in deciding the results..

I'm not having it that the incompetence is solely down to the poor standard of refereeing.

I'm not a referee but I know that all of the above calls were incorrect..

Be interesting if retrospective action is taken against Fabhino, Konte and Robertson as all 3 deserved a straight red card.

Hang on a minute, what am I thinking ?

It's already been forgotten about, nothing to see here, move along now..!
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