Villa Fans

Villainpeace, a couple of points back at you.

1. I haven't once said anything against YOU personally, my comments were against a lot of your supporters, based on my visit to VP this season, and your visit to us yesterday. I sit quite close to the away fans, and quite a majority of them yesterday were acting like cocks, that's what I saw and heard. The Barry is Judas banner was a small part.

2. At no point have I called your club "shit".

3. I have read your posts, and none of what I posted was directed at YOU, just the majority of what I've seen this season, like a number of other clubs, your fans seem to object to us having money, as I pointed out though, when your club got yours, I didn't see many Villa fans objecting. Fact is we have both been given a boost by big takeovers, and have spent big money to better ourselves, its not our fault that we did better than you out of it financially, that's just life.

4. Regards Barry, who apart from his first 10 games here I haven't been particularly impressed with anyway, and who we certainly didn't miss yesterday, your fans were waving fake notes at him at VP, so don't try and say that the anger with him is actually about a rant at O'Neil. He stuck with you when he could have gone to the scousers and was one of your best players that season, then he took a chance on us, and its this that caused most annoyance to your fans, how dare he go to little city. Its a gamble that may not come off for him now either, because its quite likely if we get 4th, he'll be displaced, as we can do better. Either way he will have to up his game quite a bit for me.

All I have said is that this season, I've lost a huge amount of respect for Villa fans in general, I've explained why, and I know I'm not alone. The "where were you when you were shit" yesterday was sung by the vast majority, probably the loudest song you sang in fact, and yes it is banter and all that, but its out of order, simply because your fans should remember what its like to be there when you were shit, its not that long ago you did pretty much what we did. If you thought it was wrong then fair enough, but the vast majority didn't.

Maybe you should also read what I wrote more carefully too.
cleavers said:
Villainpeace, a couple of points back at you.

1. I haven't once said anything against YOU personally, my comments were against a lot of your supporters, based on my visit to VP this season, and your visit to us yesterday. I sit quite close to the away fans, and quite a majority of them yesterday were acting like cocks, that's what I saw and heard. The Barry is Judas banner was a small part.

I could say the same about many who were sitting near the away fans but I'm not really bothered about it and I don't let the actions of some shape my views of the majority.

cleavers said:
your fans seem to object to us having money, as I pointed out though, when your club got yours, I didn't see many Villa fans objecting. Fact is we have both been given a boost by big takeovers, and have spent big money to better ourselves, its not our fault that we did better than you out of it financially, that's just life.

I don't think anyone objects to you having money fella, as you rightly say we've benefited from the wealth of our owner in recent years also as have other clubs.

Is it your fault that your owner is richer than the rest put together? No obviously not and you won't hear me say it is and I'm not sure you would hear any Villa fan say it was. Most fans whoever they support if they are honest are envious of the position you find yourselves in.

Personally I'm not sure the wealth in the extreme such as yours is good for the game as a whole but why should you care about that, you are City fans and first and foremost it is City you care about. I'm not critical of you for that at all we were to an extent the same and would be now in your position.

Is there a degree on envy, obviously. Its a new thing for City but you are going to have to get used to it because people aren't going to view City in the way they used to its the price you pay I guess.

It doesn't alter my views of City fans though nor that of most Villa fans.

cleavers said:
4. Regards Barry, who apart from his first 10 games here I haven't been particularly impressed with anyway, and who we certainly didn't miss yesterday, your fans were waving fake notes at him at VP, so don't try and say that the anger with him is actually about a rant at O'Neil. He stuck with you when he could have gone to the scousers and was one of your best players that season, then he took a chance on us, and its this that caused most annoyance to your fans, how dare he go to little city. Its a gamble that may not come off for him now either, because its quite likely if we get 4th, he'll be displaced, as we can do better. Either way he will have to up his game quite a bit for me.

Ok, what would I know being a Villa fan, being from Birmingham, moderating a Villa site and following the team home and away, clearly you know better than I why we were angry with him.

He didn't though choose to stick with us for another year, Liverpool couldn't afford to do the deal. Unlike City their eyes were bigger than their cheque book.

I wouldn't presume to tell City fans how they behaved or should behave to one of their ex players or assume that I know why you act in such a way.

The irony of it all though is that if you get CL Barry will likely find himself one of the players you end up replacing, funny old world.

cleavers said:
All I have said is that this season, I've lost a huge amount of respect for Villa fans in general, I've explained why, and I know I'm not alone. The "where were you when you were shit" yesterday was sung by the vast majority, probably the loudest song you sang in fact, and yes it is banter and all that, but its out of order, simply because your fans should remember what its like to be there when you were shit, its not that long ago you did pretty much what we did. If you thought it was wrong then fair enough, but the vast majority didn't.

No offense intended but I think you should maybe be a little more thick skinned.
i was talking to a villa fan outside before the match, he said i dont give a fuck about the result today, i just dont want utd to win the league lol
mcfc said:
i was talking to a villa fan outside before the match, he said i dont give a fuck about the result today, i just dont want utd to win the league lol

Well unlike Liverpool fans I always want my team to win.

I share the view with regards to Utd though, forgetting how fucking annoying their 'fans' are I just don't want to see any team win the league title 3 years in a row, this isn't Scotland.
vincent said:
manchester blue said:
Welcome Villainpeace.

I thought your fans were quite quiet yesterday, especially in the second half, used to you being much louder. The fancy dress pics are ace.

As for the "where were you" chants I take them as banter and irony. Everyone in football knows loads of fans stuck by City in the darks days of the third level. Don't undertsand why cleavers [I think] is getting so upset about it. In fact we have an extra 15000 fans at home now so perhaps they are entitled to sing it?
I had a downer on Villa fans about twenty years ago where there was a minutes silence for one of our ex-players and they sang all the way through it. But over the years I've visited VP a number of times and had good times with their fans so put that down to the way things were back then.

To call them a shit club is pathetic to be honest. Their recent history disproves that childish statement.

Can you explain this please?

Average attendance in League 1 = 28,273.
Villaninpeace said:
Personally I'm not sure the wealth in the extreme such as yours is good for the game as a whole

Outside investment, that trickles down the leagues isn't a good thing for the game?
cockneycarparkm32 said:
Top set of fans,had a bit of banter with a few on the way to and from the ground yesterday-Respect!

Respect also to all Blues, the ironic cheers and jumping up and down as if we had just scored in the East Lower stand , when we finally got a decision of the ref, LMAO.

Yeah that made me laugh as well, its all about a bit of banter or should be. Some on both sides will sadly go too far but every club has their 'problem' fans.

City fans have always had a sense of humour though which is why its always been a favourite away day.

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