villa (ge) idiots

Ric said:
I think we should have a bit more dignity in what is happening to the club. Sure, we have more money than anyone else which is great but it seems like some of our fans are becoming arrogant, sneering dickheads in the process.

I remember all too well how indignant I felt when SWP joined Chelsea; the very notion that a club could just take our best player with no care about the money behind the deal. Suddenly the boot is on the other foot, and we should show some dignity. Market forces dictate that he probably will join us, but there's no need to be arseholes about it.
totally agree
zapbranny said:
Villa fan here

big blue balls,..... your statement is so ironic considering how you lot have felt about the Rag fans for so long.

I've posted on this forum a few times when it concerns Villa, and read on here occassionaly when we were both challenging for fourth. But it is the kind of arrogance that you display that is turning the rest of football into disliking City and hoping you fall on your arses.

I reckon you will end up looking back on your words at the end of the season with a more humble view.

Which superstars do you think City will sign this summer? well Villa has gone, Ribery is too good for City, Ibrahimovic (£40 Million and would he go?), Balotelli (not likely happy at Inter again), Gerrard again can't see it, Torres (if he goes it would be Chelsea or Real Madrid, Milner (maybe but he is certainly not world class and arguably not proven top 4 class and if Chelsea or Utd go in for him then there is no chance), Joe Cole (possible if there was no competition from the top 4)

One key ingredient is missing for all of these players and thats Champions League, regardless of all the money, in 10/11 City will not be in the Champions League and I think you would need that before you get anywhere near to these kind of players.
I don't believe that City are in for Balotelli, Ibrahimovic or many of the names we read in the papers, because we're not after forwards.

We bought Barry, Lescott, Adebayor, Tevez and Toure last season and they are all great players. And we're a bigger draw now than we were last season.

Next season we will have Hart back, and Lescott fit, and the players wont have to spend half a season getting to know each other. Only 2-3 additions required to be challenging for trophies next season. Sounds unbelievable to many blues, but I don't think many fans would disagree. City fans will go into next season hoping and expecting to be top 4
One law of nature is that as an entity ascends in its social rank, those currently at that level attempt to supress the newcomer. Once the newcomer is established, resources inherently diminish for the previously established. It therefore is inevitable that in this instance, Villa, Everton, Spurs, and now Liverpool feel threatened by relative newcomer to this rank City, and with that threatened feeling come heightened feelings of anxiety, and with City's riches, up to envy. The line between arrogance and happiness exhibited by the fans of City is not clearly defined, except when viewed by one who assumes the line has been crossed from their own perspective.

That said, if you think the league is pissed now, wait 'til they get a load of City if/when we threaten for the Premiership Title!!
Gelsons Dad said:
They hate us because the fans wave our "New Money" around like loadsamoney in the eighties.
Exactly. After all the shit we've endured for the last three decades, you'd have thought we'd have learnt where we've come from 10 years ago (There's even threads on here about it).
I'm all for banter and that, and yes fans of other clubs perceptions have been negative, but some of the chants I've heard and stuff I read on here at times makes me cringe. It's not the majority though. Nowhere near.
redmizzle said:
Ric said:
I think we should have a bit more dignity in what is happening to the club. Sure, we have more money than anyone else which is great but it seems like some of our fans are becoming arrogant, sneering dickheads in the process.

I remember all too well how indignant I felt when SWP joined Chelsea; the very notion that a club could just take our best player with no care about the money behind the deal. Suddenly the boot is on the other foot, and we should show some dignity. Market forces dictate that he probably will join us, but there's no need to be arseholes about it.
totally agree

So who is being an arsehole about it then?<br /><br />-- Sat May 22, 2010 2:22 pm --<br /><br />
zapbranny said:
Villa fan here

big blue balls,..... your statement is so ironic considering how you lot have felt about the Rag fans for so long.

I've posted on this forum a few times when it concerns Villa, and read on here occassionaly when we were both challenging for fourth. But it is the kind of arrogance that you display that is turning the rest of football into disliking City and hoping you fall on your arses.

I reckon you will end up looking back on your words at the end of the season with a more humble view.

Which superstars do you think City will sign this summer? well Villa has gone, Ribery is too good for City, Ibrahimovic (£40 Million and would he go?), Balotelli (not likely happy at Inter again), Gerrard again can't see it, Torres (if he goes it would be Chelsea or Real Madrid, Milner (maybe but he is certainly not world class and arguably not proven top 4 class and if Chelsea or Utd go in for him then there is no chance), Joe Cole (possible if there was no competition from the top 4)

One key ingredient is missing for all of these players and thats Champions League, regardless of all the money, in 10/11 City will not be in the Champions League and I think you would need that before you get anywhere near to these kind of players.

The envy seeps through ever Villa pore.
It's not envy. I know the villa players are playing for more than just money ( maybe with exception of heskey!). It's simply the fact that quite a few of the city fans are saying why does every one hate us. I gave you an answer it's because there is An air of arrogance despite achieving zero so far. I'm not tarring all the city fans with this but it is obvious from some of the posts even on this thread.
zapbranny said:
It's not envy. I know the villa players are playing for more than just money ( maybe with exception of heskey!). It's simply the fact that quite a few of the city fans are saying why does every one hate us. I gave you an answer it's because there is An air of arrogance despite achieving zero so far. I'm not tarring all the city fans with this but it is obvious from some of the posts even on this thread.

What a load of sentimental old bollocks. Give over, ffs.
Clearly a waste of time trying to have a football conversation on here, the idiots outweigh the decent. You have converted me, didn't used to mind city even when you bought Barry last summer, but some of the people on here, absolute hypocrites concerning the utd fans. Hope you get the season you deserve.
zapbranny said:
It's not envy. I know the villa players are playing for more than just money ( maybe with exception of heskey!). It's simply the fact that quite a few of the city fans are saying why does every one hate us. I gave you an answer it's because there is An air of arrogance despite achieving zero so far. I'm not tarring all the city fans with this but it is obvious from some of the posts even on this thread.

Why do you think the Villa players play for the shirt any more than City? I thnk being realistic neither probably do all that much except the handful of locals and homegrowns that each side has.

It sounds like an unthinkingly trotted-out cliché and devalues the rest of what you have to say to be honest.

And I'd suggest any air of arrogance is defensive to recent bitterness and vitriolic bile from other clubs. Directly after the second takeover there was a lot of talk on here of being determined to not become like the rag fans, remember how we felt about Chelsea, be humble and gracious etc. Then came the hate from other clubs' fans, blindly following the media sensationalism and spin like idiotic little sheep. Any arrogance that can't simply be ascribed to kids, or a few classless muppets, has come as a defence mechanism to all that stuff, and that's my honest perception of it and one many on here share I would think.
zapbranny said:
Clearly a waste of time trying to have a football conversation on here, the idiots outweigh the decent. You have converted me, didn't used to mind city even when you bought Barry last summer, but some of the people on here, absolute hypocrites concerning the utd fans. Hope you get the season you deserve.

There is a massive irony in you calling anyone an idiot. You say you wanted a football discussion but say the Villa players play for more than money (suggesting City players don't). What a load of fucking bollocks. How many academy players turned out for you this season? I make it 5 fewer than we put out. But don't let facts get in the way of spouting media bullshit.

If that was your last post. I hope you don't return. This forum will be none the worse for it. Gareth Barry thinks your shit, thinks your shit, thinks your shit....

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