I can understand why some of you are taking the piss, I'm sure some of our fans would if the roles were reversed. However it says everything about the state of modern football when a club of our size can't sell 2800 let alone 1700 tickets for a saturday 3pm kick off just up the road. It's nothing to do with 'loyalty', it's everything to do with price and the fact we've got hardly any chance of winning. Paying £40 when you know more than likely your team will lose is hardly appealing. Yes I know we charge you £43 but that's not the fans' fault, we don't decide the prices. Away supporters are a dying breed unless you're rich or support a successful team that wins most weeks. Sunderland only took 1200 to Everton last week, that wasn't even £40 but they knew b efore the game kicked off they probably wouldn't win. It's not just the ticket you have to pay for either, if I came to yours saturday it would cost me over £100 once I'd brought my lad's ticket, train tickets, beer, food. That's a lot of money and an expensive day for 90 minutes of football that we will more than likely lose. I simply can't justify paying that money with Christmas around the corner and when we're playing in a competition where the best we can achieve is about 12th. Its got to the stage where I and many more of our fans are having to pick and choose which away games are the best because it's too expensive to attend them all. We took 3000 to West Ham, 3200 to Southampton, 3300 to Swindon, 4000+ to Fulham yet we took 1400 to Sunderland, 1100 to Newcastle, 1500 to Tottenham. Emphasising it's all about having to pick and choose which aways you attend, rather than it being about loyalty. Apparantly we've already sold 3000 of our 4100 allocation for Norwich because it's £25 and it's in a competition we've got a chance of winning, simple as that. Still give me 1500 of our fans stood singing all game over the like of Everton who take 3000 and sit in silence.