Vincent Kompany - 2016/17 performances

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A lot of people apparently not seeing this, but I for one am convinced a fit Kompany would be a huge asset and incredibly complementary to Pep's City.

You could see it with his direct forward pass in the build-up to Clichy's goal. That was a real Pep goal if ever I saw one, and it took a genius Kompany to set it up.

He delivered an even better forward pass a couple of minutes later that set up another attack.

There's no way I can see Otamendi or Stones do that kind of incisive passing. Kolarov is capable of the same, I think, but his defending is not the same standard as Vincent's.

So I really hope his walking off yesterday was something innocent and he'll be fit for most of the season, because he will make this City team even better.
Im gutted for him if he has picked up another injury i really am but be professional, go down and stop the game which allows Pep and his team mates to reorganise for the remaining few seconds or minutes as no one knows when the whistle will go before going off.

Had we conceded in the last seconds when unexpectedly down to 10 men this place would have rightly erupted over it.

Anyway, fingers crossed its nothing.
If it was just last night, we could put it down to bad luck.
However, it wasn't just last night, and I can think of three games last season where he didn't even last thirty minutes.
We used to laugh at the injury-prone Brian Robson in the mid 80s, but I don't see much difference.
I assumed at the time that he slammed his hands down on the pitch in frustration at conceding, but clearly something wasn't right.
I think you're right - when he broke down last season he hit the pitch before walking off - he more than anyone will know how serious an injury could be. He must be frustrated and at age 30 must be wondering if he will ever be fit. Shame as fully fit he would be an important member of the squad.
What is strange to me is that while I can accept that getting injured would be a right pisser, to actually just walk straight off without speaking to the manager or staff 1. about the injury and 2. inform him he can't carry on so the players can reorganize and fill his position is very strange to me.

Now I might be seeing things that aren't there but I've not seen him smiling since Pep came, be it on the bench at the weekend and he didn't look happy on the pitch either.
I think he might be pissed Pep left him on for the full game. If it is I can understand Pep as well though. If he's been out for months, had an op, recieved rehabilitation and plenty of practice, diet and exercise advice and thinks there's no reason for you not to finish the game and you need it as well.

Pep being tough? Pep manipulating things to his benefit like with Joe and Yaya? Maybe, maybe not.

Either way he does it or doesn't do it, i'm liking what I'm seeing by this manager, he gets results.

He's the Piper and i'll dance to whatever tune he plays, even if it means some heros of mine are lost by the wayside.
Yeah, there might be a more plausible reason for his lack of smiles.
Your missing the point, with his history he needs managing carefully. Get an hour in his legs on a match day, then build from there. He might be a centre back, but a match day will see the tension, pressure and fatigue sky rocket compared to training. Look at Gundogan, over an hour in his first game back, and over 70 minutes in his second game. Exactly as it should be for someone coming back from a long lay off. It's indisputable we got it wrong tonight, he walked off the pitch with play going on behind him FFS. Totally needless for that to happen.

So after waiting, waiting & waiting, for some bizarre blood test thing to become clear, before letting a player who is 100% fit go onto the pitch, the very same people have then recklessly decided to 'risk' him for 90 mins.

And if the'y just said nothing & chucked him back in 3 weeks ago, then carried him off after 5 mins, like last season, nobody would be saying anything.

What a fucking bizarre world we live in.
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