Vincent Kompany | Bayern Munich Manager

Even if you relegate a club?

If this was any other legend from a club that isn’t City, Ole at the wheel for example, it would be met with the questions and piss takes it deserves.
Ole didn't get Cardiff promoted in the first place, and overall the jobs are completely different. You've got to take into account the state of Burnley when VK arrived, and what he achieved in the first season.

He wasn't expected to take them straight back up, not even by the owners. A lot of talk was of them doing a double relegation like many have in the last two decades. They released half of their squad. He had a huge rebuild on his hands.

To not only get promoted, but to win the title, and to not only win the title, but to win it on 101 points, and to do all of that and play attractive football with the remnants of Dyche's squad and his own additions.

That was a very impressive job, and not comparable to Ole talking over from Mackay in the Prem. They were expected to fail in the second season, because they had succeeded so highly in Kompany's first season and attained a competition well above their station for the season ahead. The combined squad was worth a maximum of £14 million, that doesn't even get you one bottom-half EPL level player these days.
I think that's a mad take tbh. They were a shambles when he took over and after the leveraged buyout etc they genuinely had the aura of one of those clubs that could keep freefalling through the divisions. To take over and get them promoted with a record points total was an outstanding achievement. Even having taken them back down again he's left them in a far better position than when he joined. The reason they have players chosen by Kompany is because all of their best players left or were sold when they were relegated and that's hardly his fault. It's Kompany's picks and loans that got them back in the PL in the first place. Football is fickle and your stock can fall very quickly. He obviously has to take this opportunity now it's in front of him and even the most biased ought to be able to look at it objectively enough to see that.
Maybe. Irrespective I hope it works for out Kompany and Burnley in the end.
Ole didn't get Cardiff promoted in the first place, and overall the jobs are completely different. You've got to take into account the state of Burnley when VK arrived, and what he achieved in the first season.

He wasn't expected to take them straight back up, not even by the owners. A lot of talk was of them doing a double relegation like many have in the last two decades. They released half of their squad. He had a huge rebuild on his hands.

To not only get promoted, but to win the title, and to not only win the title, but to win it on 101 points, and to do all of that and play attractive football with the remnants of Dyche's squad and his own additions.

That was a very impressive job, and not comparable to Ole talking over from Mackay in the Prem. They were expected to fail in the second season, because they had succeeded so highly in Kompany's first season and attained a competition well above their station for the season ahead. The combined squad was worth a maximum of £14 million, that doesn't even get you one bottom-half EPL level player these days.
That’s all well and good, but since when did relegating clubs in your first shot in the top flight become the key to getting a gig at arguably one of the top three biggest clubs in the world? This is with two of his relegation rivals receiving points deductions, too.

Maybe I’m just an old **** looking at it too simplistic. I’ll say this though, I hope our club doesn’t go down this route when the time comes to appoint someone new. Can you imagine the absolute shit we’d get?
That’s all well and good, but since when did relegating clubs in your first shot in the top flight become the key to getting a gig at arguably one of the top three biggest clubs in the world? This is with two of his relegation rivals receiving points deductions, too.

Maybe I’m just an old **** looking at it too simplistic. I’ll say this though, I hope our club doesn’t go down this route when the time comes to appoint someone new. Can you imagine the absolute shit we’d get?
When that club has exhausted six previous candidates, and has taken a look at your overall management style and age and seen something in you, and been forced to take a punt of that nature owing to their own mistakes made over the last season or more.

Hopefully we won't end up in Bayern's position by the time we need our next appointment. I guarantee we won't be in that position at that time though.
If Bayern were looking at a young German coach you'd never heard of who had gotten his team promoted with a record points total from Bundesliga 2 I don't think anyone would be questioning it. Cos it's someone we've heard of and the club in question is Burnley, people think it's weirder than it actually is.
If Bayern were looking at a young German coach you'd never heard of who had gotten his team promoted with a record points total from Bundesliga 2 I don't think anyone would be questioning it. Cos it's someone we've heard of and the club in question is Burnley, people think it's weirder than it actually is.
Very good point.

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